PsycTESTS™ is a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, and other assessments as well as descriptive and administrative information. Annual subscription fee: $6,500
- Tests include those compiled from a systematic review of peer-reviewed journals published by APA, Sage, Hogrefe Publishing Group, Taylor & Francis, and other large publishers; technical reports from PsycEXTRA®; contributions from individual test authors; collections from the Archives of the History of American Psychology; and more
- Commercially available tests indexed by APA are also included, with links to purchase the instrument from the publisher
- Other instruments are available for download and use, and many records include documentation such as instructions or scoring sheets
- Textual information is in printable PDF; some tests are multi-media or computer software
Please send additional comments to Dottie Persson.
I would strongly recommend to purchase the database. It can be used for development of research programs in psychiatry and to use in day to day clinical work to assess progression in treatment. Thank you.
Learning to how to use this.
This data base could be very useful for research classes in social work at both the undergraduate and graduate level. PhD students would also find access to these measures relevant to their dissertation research.
My only question is how does it differ from the “health and psychosocial instruments” data base.
It sounds like the psychtests gives a more direct link to the actual instruments and manuals – if this is the case, it would be a compliment to the health and psychosocial instruments data base which mostly identifies articles that have used a particular instrument.