Do you use RefWorks? Did you know the UI Libraries recently acquired another popular and powerful citation management program, EndNote? The web-based version, EndNote Basic, is available to all UI students, faculty and staff and the desktop client, EndNote Desktop, is available to UI faculty, staff, graduate and professional students. Join us for an introduction to EndNote Basic (web version) and learnContinue reading “Workshop: RefWorks to EndNote Basic Transition”
Tag Archives: workshop
Workshop: Scopus
Have you tried Scopus, our new database? The UI Libraries provide free access to Scopus, an excellent multidisciplinary citation database. Join us for a Scopus Workshop and learn advanced techniques that will help you conduct your research more efficiently and effectively. In this workshop you will learn how to: Access Scopus from off-campus; Use refineContinue reading “Workshop: Scopus”
Workshop: Web of Science
Do you use Web of Science in your research? The UI Libraries provide free access to Web of Science, an excellent multidisciplinary citation database. Join us for a Web of Science Workshop and learn advanced techniques that will help you conduct your research more efficiently and effectively. Lunch @ the Sciences Library Web of Science Workshop 12:30-1:20pm,Continue reading “Workshop: Web of Science”
Workshop: EndNote Web
Are you starting a new research paper or project looking for a way to manage your references? Then join us for this useful and informative workshop about EndNote Web, a web-based citation management tool available for free to UI students, faculty and staff. In this workshop, you will learn how to: Sign up for aContinue reading “Workshop: EndNote Web”
Scopus Workshop
Have you tried Scopus, our new database? The UI Libraries provide free access to Scopus, an excellent multidisciplinary citation database. Join us for a Scopus Workshop and learn advanced techniques that will help you conduct your research more efficiently and effectively. In this workshop you will learn how to: Access Scopus from off-campus; Use refine options to retrieveContinue reading “Scopus Workshop”
Workshop: Web of Science
Do you use Web of Science in your research? The UI Libraries provide free access to Web of Science, an excellent multidisciplinary citation database. Join us for a Web of Science Workshop and learn advanced techniques that will help you conduct your research more efficiently and effectively. Lunch @ the Sciences Library Web of Science Workshop 12:30-1:20pm,Continue reading “Workshop: Web of Science”
Workshop: Staying Current
Lunch @ the Sciences Library Workshop Staying Current: RSS, Search Alerts and More! Wednesday, October 16, 2013 12:30-1:20pm Sciences Library Classroom (102 SL) How do you keep up with the news and research in your field? Would you like to learn how to use technology to find newContinue reading “Workshop: Staying Current”
Get Organized Workshop
Do you struggle to stay organized as the semester progresses? Are your notes and files scattered about in notebooks, folders, and various electronic storage devices? Would you like to share your own tips and tricks for staying organized with others? Join us for a Get Organized workshop to learn about free software tools you can use to get organizedContinue reading “Get Organized Workshop”
RefWorks/EndNote Workshop
Are you starting a new research paper or project and looking for a way to manage your references? Then join us for this useful and informative workshop about RefWorks and EndNote! RefWorks and EndNote are two citation management programs available for free to all University of Iowa students, faculty and staff. Lunch @ the Sciences Library WorkshopContinue reading “RefWorks/EndNote Workshop”
Library 101 Workshop
Do you need a brief overview of the resources and services available at the Sciences Library? Do you have a question about the library or it’s resources that you’ve never had the chance to ask? Then join us for the first Lunch @ the Sciences Library workshop of the semester! Wednesday, September 4th at 12:30pm – 1:20pm inContinue reading “Library 101 Workshop”