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Day 3: Recap

Today was another busy day. 

The movers continued to work on Physics. 

  • All the journals have been moved either to Heinz Road or to Biological Sciences. 
  • The journals at the Biological Sciences Library are beginning to be put on the shelf.
  • Library staff (Kai, Brandon, Christine, Jessica, and myself) have also shifted journal titles to make room to the incomming Physics titles. This involved a moving assembly line.

  • At the same time, the books have begun to be sorted by where they are going and a portion have been move to Biological Sciences.
Physic Library at the End of Day 3
Physics Journals to Sciences Library
Physics & Biology Books at the Sciences Library

Day 2: Physics Library

At 8 am, the movers arrived to begin hauling the journals to storage.

Their day actually began at 7:30 with unloading of a truck from yesterday at the storage facility.


 The movers have started with the journal titles

Movers loading the journals onto carts
Journals ready to go to the truck


Cross your fingers for another good day! 

Day 1: Biological Sciences Library


At 8:30 Monday morning, the movers started to haul some of the books and journals from Biological Sciences Library to the storage facility called Heinz Road Annex. This will make room in the building for the Physics and Geosciences collections.

Mishaps of the day:
1. Elevator at Biological Sciences quit working for about 20 minutes. It magically started working while the movers were on lunch and before the technician got there.
2. Someone also parked in spot so the moving trucks could not get out as easily.

While the movers were working, library students (Brandon, Kim, and Christine) moved the books remaining in Biological Sciences to make room for the books coming from Physics & Geosciences.


A lot was completed today.

  • All the journals and books from Biological Sciences to storage were moved
  • The remaining books in Biological Sciences were shifted to make room for Geosciences & Physics books.

We’re off to a great start! Good work everyone!

Beginning of the Sciences Library

Beginning on May 17th, 2010, the University of Iowa Libraries will be merging the Biological Sciences, Geosciences and Physics Library into one library called the Sciences Library. This library will also house the books, journals, reference, and reserve for each of these libraries as well as the reference and reserve for chemistry and psychology.

The steps to complete this include:
1. Move books and journals from Biological Sciences to the storage facility
2. Moving shelves of books and journals that are staying in Biological Sciences around to make room for the items from Physics & Geosciences.
3. Move some of the books and journals from Physics to storage
4. Take down and reassemble the shelving at Physics at the storage facility so there are places to put the books.
5. Move the rest of the books and journals in Physics to Biological Sciences
6-8. Repeat steps 3-5 for Geosciences.
9. Arrange all the books in call number order at Biological Sciences
10. Arrange all the journals in alphebetal order by title at Biological Sciences.
11. Change all the catalog records to show where items are now located.