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Use Google Scholar to access library subscriptions

Question: How do I access articles the library subscribes to through Google Scholar? Answer: The answer to this depends upon where you are when searching Google Scholar. If you are using a computer connected to the campus network, Google Scholar automatically detects that and provides a text link to UILink. Follow that link to see ifContinue reading “Use Google Scholar to access library subscriptions”

ORCiD Researcher Identifier – sign up today!

The UI Libraries, partnering with Information Technology Services, the Office of the Provost, the Division of Sponsored Programs, and the Big Ten Academic Alliance are leading an initiative to help all research active University of Iowa staff and faculty obtain an ORCID iD and/or link their existing identifier to their University of Iowa email address.Continue reading “ORCiD Researcher Identifier – sign up today!”

Public Seminar on Research Data

On Wednesday, November 11 at 10:30 – 11:30 a.m., the University of Iowa Libraries will host guest speaker Heidi Imker, director of the Research Data Service (RDS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Imker’s seminar, “Capitalizing on Research Data: Management, Dissemination, and Archiving,” will explain how researchers can meet new funder requirements for research dataContinue reading “Public Seminar on Research Data”

New Life Sciences Preprint Server: BioRxiv

From Science 14 November 2014: Vol. 346 no. 6211 pp. 792-793 DOI: 10.1126/science.346.6211.792                         BioRxiv at 1 year “A year after its launch, a new preprint server for life sciences is off to a healthy start, its creators say. BioRxiv, a free site sponsored by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), has attracted more than 800Continue reading “New Life Sciences Preprint Server: BioRxiv”

Stress Relief During Finals Week

Do you need a break from studying for your finals? The Sciences Library will have card games, color pages, Legos, K’Nex, and Wii gaming to help you relieve some stress. We will also have snacks and drinks. Come join us and good luck with your finals! Hours: M-Th 8:30am – 10:00pm Sat 1:00pm – 5:00pm SunContinue reading “Stress Relief During Finals Week”

Surviving the Arctic

The Sciences Library has a new exhibit Surviving the Arctic. With artifacts loaned to us from the Natural History Museum. Each shelf represents different aspects of  Inuit life. Magic and Belief, Hunting: Sea and Water, Hunting Land and Camp and Home life. Thank you to the Natural History Museum for the loan and for settingContinue reading “Surviving the Arctic”