Experience science with demonstrations from Hawk-Eyes on Science, University of Iowa Chemists, the Iowa City Science Booster Club, and more. Attendees are welcome to drop in at any time between 3:30 and 5 p.m. This event is free and open to all. When: Friday, Sept. 13, 2024, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Where: Third floor of theContinue reading “Science Expo: Exciting Experiments and Demos”
Category Archives: Biology
Science Serenade (and Snacks)
Join us outside (weather permitting) in front of the Sciences Library along Iowa Ave on Tuesday, December 12 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm of Final Exams Week for scientific-themed songs, treats, and beverages. All are welcome! Listen or join in on science songs such as Deck the Labs, The Twelve Days of Biology, andContinue reading “Science Serenade (and Snacks)”
Tree Events at the Sciences Library
The Sciences Library is excited to let you know about our fall tree events! On October 17, University of Iowa Arborist, Andy Dahl, will be giving a campus tree talk and tour. To complement this, the library’s current exhibit showcases the Historic Trees of the University of Iowa Campus. Visit the exhibit to enter ourContinue reading “Tree Events at the Sciences Library”
Fall Workshops at the Sciences Library
Search like a Hawk: Discover Science Literature Wednesday, September 6, 11:30 AM – 12:20 PM Sciences Library room 102 There are millions of books and thousands of journal articles available through our science databases. How can you find what you’re looking for and stay-up-to-date in your subject? Learn how to search like an expert inContinue reading “Fall Workshops at the Sciences Library”
Free snacks and coffee for finals week at the Sciences Library!
Good luck on your final exams, Hawkeyes! We have free snacks, hot coffee, and tea here for you at the Sciences Library! If you are looking for a good, quiet comfortable place to study, we have three floors with places for you to study that include study booths, study carrels, computer stations, tables and largeContinue reading “Free snacks and coffee for finals week at the Sciences Library!”
Highlights of the Tree Talk and Tour at the Sciences Library
We had a great time learning about our campus trees at the Tree Talk and Tour at the Sciences Library. It was fascinating to learn about the oldest trees on campus as well as new plantings. We also learned about our State Champion trees, special trees such as the chestnut sapling planted to honor AnneContinue reading “Highlights of the Tree Talk and Tour at the Sciences Library”
SciFinder Classic is Retiring
If you are currently using the classic version of SciFinder, it is time to start using SciFinder-n. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) will discontinue the “classic” SciFinder interface on Dec. 31, 2022. SciFinder-n, will be the only SciFinder platform moving forward. If you are already using SciFinder-n, you do not need to do anything. Your SciFinderContinue reading “SciFinder Classic is Retiring”
Study Help for BIOL 1411: Foundations of Biology for Fall 2022
If you are taking BIOL:1411 Foundations of Biology, you can take advantage of free study help with our Sciences Library student mentors. Drop-in Tutoring for Foundations of Biology Group Study Sessions for Foundations of Biology Find special hours during breaks and holidays on our Foundations Study Help Guide.
Tree Talk & Tour at the Sciences Library
Join Arborist Andy Dahl for a tree talk and tour at the Sciences Library! This program will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. The tree talk will begin at 2 p.m. on the third floor of the Sciences Library. The walking tour of campus trees will begin after the talk. This program is freeContinue reading “Tree Talk & Tour at the Sciences Library”
Prairie Musings @ the Sciences Library
All are invited to a panel discussion about our campus prairie, the Ashton Research Prairie, featuring: Mike Fallon, Earth and Environmental Sciences Instructor Andrew Forbes, Associate Professor of Biology Stratis Giannakouros, Director, Office of Sustainability and the Environment Wednesday, July 6, 2022, 2:00-3:00 PM Free & open to the public. Light refreshments provided. Sciences Library,Continue reading “Prairie Musings @ the Sciences Library”