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Math Books and Journals

Would you like to browse the math books in the Main Library?

We’ve made it easy with our new map! Find the location of the Math Collection on floor 2, or the latest issues of our print math journals (the current math periodicals) on floor 3. 

Map of floors 1 and 2 of the main library with math books indicated.
Map of floors 3 and 4 of the Main Library with math books indicated.

Remember, not all the UI math books are in the Math Collection

Math books can also be found other UI libraries. The library and shelf location of every print book is listed in its record in InfoHawk+. Places you’ll see associated with math books in InfoHawk+ include:

Main Library Math*

  • A book with this location before its call number is in the Math Collection in the Main Library.

Main Library Stacks*

  • A book with this location is in the Main Library, but not in the Math Collection. See the map!

*If you see the word FOLIO after either of these locations, that tells you that the book is big, and for space efficiency’s sake it will be in a slightly different part of the library than the books without FOLIO. See the map for the exact locations.  

Engineering Library Stacks

  • The largest group of math books outside the Main Library is housed in the Engineering Library, located in Seamans Center across the road from MacLean Hall. All books in that library are on its lower level.

Sciences Library Stacks

  • The QA (math) books in the Sciences Library are located on floor 2.

Hardin Library for the Health Sciences Stacks

  • This library is currently undergoing renovation and book locations are shifting. Ask library staff for help finding items.

Library Annex

  • Only annex staff can access this location. Books housed here must be delivered to users by request.

Book Delivery

Most books in InfoHawk+ can be delivered to a different library or location for pickup. Options are a library, an office mailbox, or a remote address. To request delivery, sign into your account, then indicate your preferred pickup location.

Browsing e-Books

Of course, we have many math books that are available online, too. You can browse through what we have in InfoHawk+ by typing in keywords related to the topics you’re interested in, then filtering (on the left side of the screen) to “Full Text Online” under Availability, and “Books” under Resource Type. To access the books you find, log in and follow the appropriate links through InfoHawk+. 

Browsing e-Journals with BrowZine

We also have a terrific tool that lets you browse all the latest issues of the math journals we subscribe to electronically instead of (or in addition to) print. The tool is called BrowZine.  BrowZine lets you look at the tables of contents of recent journal issues, and open any interesting articles, or save them for later. You can even set up a virtual bookshelf with your favorite journals and get notifications when new issues are published. 

Log in and set up an account here:  

BrowZine is also available as an app for phone or tablet: 

If you like both versions, you can sync your account between the two.

We hope you enjoy browsing the UI math books and periodicals!