The UI Libraries, partnering with Information Technology Services, the Office of the Provost, the Division of Sponsored Programs, and the Big Ten Academic Alliance are leading an initiative to help all research active University of Iowa staff and faculty obtain an ORCID iD and/or link their existing identifier to their University of Iowa email address.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit, platform agnostic registry of unique author identifiers. Many publishers, funders and academic institutions have already adopted ORCID and may be requiring its use in the near future.
Having an ORCID iD
- makes your work discoverable by others
- connects your research to you throughout your career, no matter how your name appears in publication
- distinguishes you from other researchers with similar names
- minimizes the time you spend filling out forms when submitting research or applying for grants
- is being required by major journal publishers and funders
- gives you access to an ImpactStory page (an altmetrics tool)
Click the green button below to sign up for your ORCID iD (Hawk ID and PW required)
To learn more about ORCiD at the UI, see the UI Libraries information page.
If you have any questions about ORCiD please contact the Sciences Library.
See an example ORCID iD page.
See an example ImpactStory.