Filip Šír, coordinator for Digitization of Audio Documents at the National Museum (Prague), will talk of his work to track down and preserve early 20th century Czech sound recordings made in the United States. Ed. Jedlička cylinder recordings from the Music Library’s collections will also be exhibited. Filip’s book on this topic, co-authored with collector Gabriel Gossel and published in 2018, talks about a number of important Czech recording artists and producers, including Jedlička and Chicago-based Joseph Jiran.
If you’re interested in archives, historical sound recordings, immigrant cultures, or Czech history, be sure to attend!
This event is co-sponsored by the Rita Benton Music Library and the School of Library and Information Science, and presented by the School of Music’s Colloquium speaker series.
Event Details:
Friday, April 29, 2022
Voxman Music Building, VOX2 (basement room)
To learn more: