The landmark final report of the Iraq Study Group (ISG) is now available to the Federal Depository Library Program. GPO has harvested and cataloged the electronic version of this report, available via the web through GPO’s Catalog of Government Publications (system ID “000595612”), through the front page of GPO Access, or via a direct link.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
New! “Making of Modern Law” Resources
The Law Library has just licensed two new products available to University of Iowa students and staff: The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926 The Treatises are derived from two essential reference collections for historical studies and from more recent legal works: the Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises and Twentieth-Century Legal Treatises microfilm collections. Legal TreatisesContinue reading “New! “Making of Modern Law” Resources”
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006-2007 Edition
Basic information for hundreds of jobs is made available in the Handbook, including such details as the training and education required for each position, along with expected earnings, future job prospects, and information on working conditions. Additionally, users can look at sections that provide suggestions on how to evaluate a job offer. The site alsoContinue reading “Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006-2007 Edition”
How-to Guides
The Library system has prepared a number of How-To Guides, set up in pdf. format for easy printing. Subjects range from MLA bibliography style to searching government online resources. Of particular interest to faculty may be the Link to Full-text Articles guide.
Fast and Free Delivery of Books and Articles
Beginning this summer, the University of Iowa Libraries is using a new electronic system for Interlibrary Loan at the Main Library and at Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. This new system features a web-based interface for: placing requests updating your contact information checking the status of your requests asking for renewals retrieving journal articlesContinue reading “Fast and Free Delivery of Books and Articles”
More Features on Library Computers!
The Library computers now operate like those in the ITC’s (Computer Lab.’s). With a Hawk ID, users can access the many programs available in the ITC’s: Photoshop, Microsoft Word, etc. Printing is simple and operates from the student’s/staff’s account. In addition, for document storage, SAFE File is available.
Homeland Security Digital Library
This Library offers electronic documents made available by the Dudley Knox Library at the Naval Postgraduate School, searchable by keyword or by topic. Included are general U.S. policy documents, national strategy documents, theses and research papers from the Center for Homeland Defense and Security and the Naval Postgraduate School, and homeland security executive orders. ReadersContinue reading “Homeland Security Digital Library”
CogNet Science Texts Available
CogNet, a growing collection of searchable electronic texts in the field of cognitive and brain sciences, contains work from the MIT Press, as well as links to other publishers, professional associations, etc.