The University Libraries provide access to SimplyMap, a Web-based tool that creates maps based on used-supplied criteria. Data comes from government and industry sources. Users can output to Powerpoint slides, Word documents, etc. Find out more you can do with SimplyMap. To use this resource from the Business Library homepage, click on Sources A-Z. ThenContinue reading “Demographic Information with SimplyMap”
Category Archives: General
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
From the UI Libraries Federal Documents Coordinator and Reference Librarian: If you would like to see the text of the H.R. 3997 (“Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008”) soon to be voted upon, go to GPOAccess and click on the “Featured Item” in the upper right corner. It is the Congressional Report that includesContinue reading “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008”
Passing of Library Benefactor, Marvin A. Pomerantz
Marvin A. Pomerantz, Iowa business alumnus, benefactor, and Board of Visitors member, passed away Thursday, Aug. 14, 2008 at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Read about the life of Mr. Pomerantz and his contributions to the University of Iowa.
Historical Newspapers Added
The University of Iowa Libraries have added the following newspapers to our online sources. Click on the links below or search by title in the InfoHawk catalog. Proquest Historical Newspapers Atlanta Daily World This database provides full page and article images with searchable full text from the Atlanta world (1931-1932) and the Atlanta daily world (1932-2003). TheContinue reading “Historical Newspapers Added”
Library Access to The Chicago Defender
The University of Iowa Libraries provides full access to this major African-American publication. As the Black Studies Center from ProQuest notes: “The Chicago Defender. Robert Sengstacke Abbott founded the Defender in May 1905 and by the outbreak of the First World War it had become the most widely-read black newspaper in the country, with moreContinue reading “Library Access to The Chicago Defender”
Revised Library Material Due Dates
To ease difficulties that Library borrowers may have had due to recent flooding, there have been adjustments to material due dates. Remember that you can contact the Pomerantz Business Library, 319-335-3077,, with any questions.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: New CRS Report
A new report from the Congressional Research Service covers the status of government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Financial Problems: Frequently Asked Questions (by N. Eric Weiss, 15 July 2008; order code RS22916) is available for free from the Center for Democracy and Technology.
Graduate Books Automatically Renewed
To lessen student worries about not being able to return books, particularly to closed libraries, graduate books due this month have been automatically renewed to January 28, 2009. Library users can still return books to any open library, if they wish. If you have questions, contact Business Library staff.
New Books Update: April 24, 2008
New books are located on the tall book shelves in the corridors behind the information desk. This list is ordered by call number. Entrepreneurship in emerging domestic markets : barriers and innovation / New York : Springer, c2008. Table of contents: HB615 .E63345 2008 The digital economy : business organization, production processes, and regionalContinue reading “New Books Update: April 24, 2008”
New Books Update: April 18, 2008
New books are located on the tall book shelves in the corridors behind the information desk. This list is ordered by call number. Fragile finance : debt, speculation and crisis in the age of global credit / by Nesvetailova, Anastasia. Basingstoke [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 HB3722 .N47 2007 Power and politicsContinue reading “New Books Update: April 18, 2008”