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Constitution Day Treats, Sept. 13-17

September 17th marks the 223rd anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. May we recommend pausing for a good cup of coffee to contemplate the significance of that document? Java House (Washington St.), T-Spoons, Capanna, and Fair Grounds coffee shops will shine a light on individual rights established by the Constitution for the weekContinue reading “Constitution Day Treats, Sept. 13-17”

Iowa City Book Festival Announces Line-up

The 2010 Iowa City Book Festival (ICBF), presented by the University of Iowa Libraries, has announced its schedule for the three-day celebration of reading, writing and books July 16-18. The Festival offers activities for the entire family: best-selling authors, hands-on book arts, kids’ activities, music and festival food. For its second year, the ICBF hasContinue reading “Iowa City Book Festival Announces Line-up”

Books Recently Returned 2/15/2010

These books from the Business Library’s general collection have been loaned and recently returned. Books appear in order by call number. Readers can use the list to see which subjects are popular or used for research. Click on a title for more information. Updated February 15, 2010   Title Author Call Number Introduction to meta-analysisContinue reading “Books Recently Returned 2/15/2010”