“The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announced on Wednesday that, as part of its ongoing commitment to improve the accountability and public understanding of monetary policy making, it will increase the frequency and expand the content of the economic projections that are made by Federal Reserve Board members and Reserve Bank presidents and released toContinue reading “Federal Reserve to Issue Quarterly Forecasts”
Author Archives: Todd Degraff
New! Smart Search (beta)
As you know the world of information is changing at an ever-increasing pace and the way that we at the UI Libraries provide you access to information resources is also changing. Many of our resources are available to you right on your desktop, because we have invested in electronic access. However, finding the right informationContinue reading “New! Smart Search (beta)”
Fine Changes
The Library system is updating its fine policy. Increased charges reflect a need to compensate for more frequent overdues. If you have any questions, please contact Library staff.
Article Delivery Service Expands
Starting July 1st, UI students, faculty and staff will be able to login to the Libraries’ online Interlibrary Loan system to request articles and book chapters that the Libraries’ holds only in hard copy. In addition to making their requests online, they will also be able to track their requests online. This isn’t a newContinue reading “Article Delivery Service Expands”
Cell Phone Use
The Pomerantz Business Library wishes to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to study. Ringing phones and loud conversations make if difficult for Library users to study or do research. Therefore, please observe the following: Set your cell phone on vibrate or use text messaging. If you need to talk on your phone, please keepContinue reading “Cell Phone Use”
CountryWatch Global Macroeconomic Forecast
For the month of March, the University of Iowa has access to the Global Macroeconomic Forecast on the CountryWatch site. [The Forecast is the last link on the left side of CountryWatch’s homepage]. The CountryWatch Forecast is an essential tool for making key strategic decisions and for teaching advanced economic concepts. The accuracy, coverage, andContinue reading “CountryWatch Global Macroeconomic Forecast”
Announcing RefWorks Citation Management Software
The University of Iowa Libraries is excited to announce its purchase of a site license to the citation management software RefWorks. RefWorks allows you to import citations from research databases like Business Source Premiere, organize your citations and share them with colleagues, as well as insert your citations into papers and format them in anyContinue reading “Announcing RefWorks Citation Management Software”
Iraq Study Group Report Available Online
The landmark final report of the Iraq Study Group (ISG) is now available to the Federal Depository Library Program. GPO has harvested and cataloged the electronic version of this report, available via the web through GPO’s Catalog of Government Publications (system ID “000595612”), through the front page of GPO Access, or via a direct link.
New! “Making of Modern Law” Resources
The Law Library has just licensed two new products available to University of Iowa students and staff: The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926 The Treatises are derived from two essential reference collections for historical studies and from more recent legal works: the Nineteenth-Century Legal Treatises and Twentieth-Century Legal Treatises microfilm collections. Legal TreatisesContinue reading “New! “Making of Modern Law” Resources”
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006-2007 Edition
Basic information for hundreds of jobs is made available in the Handbook, including such details as the training and education required for each position, along with expected earnings, future job prospects, and information on working conditions. Additionally, users can look at sections that provide suggestions on how to evaluate a job offer. The site alsoContinue reading “Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2006-2007 Edition”