Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Introduction to meta-analysis |
BUS CRESV R853.M48 I58 2009 BOOK |
tandard & Poor’s analysts’ handbook |
BUS DESK Software 5829 CD-ROM |
Once upon a time : using story-based activities to develop breakthrough communication skills |
Gargiulo, Terrence L., 1968- |
BUS DESK Software 9078 CD-ROM BOOK |
The evidential foundations of probabilistic reasoning |
Schum, David A. |
BUS LIB BC171 .S38 1994 |
Difficult converstions : how to discuss what matters most |
Stone, Douglas, 1958- |
BUS LIB BF637.C45 S78 2000 |
We shall not fail : the inspiring leadership of Winston Churchill |
Sandys, Celia. |
BUS LIB DA566.9.C5 S266 2003 |
Shared values : a history of Kimberly-Clark |
Spector, Robert, 1947- |
BUS LIB FOLIO HD9829.K5 S66 1997 |
Advanced financial accounting |
BUS LIB FOLIO HF5635 .B165 2009 |
Financial reporting and analysis |
BUS LIB FOLIO HF5681.B2 R398 2009 |
From Max Weber: essays in sociology |
Weber, Max, 1864-1920. |
BUS LIB H33 .W36 1958 |
Super crunchers : why thinking-by-numbers is the new way to be smart |
Ayres, Ian. |
BUS LIB HA29 .A86 2007 |
Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models |
Gelman, Andrew. |
BUS LIB HA31.3 .G45 2007 |
Stata survey data reference manual : release 10 |
BUS LIB HA32 .S6986 2007 |
The handbook of experimental economics |
BUS LIB HB131 .H355 1995 |
Econometric analysis |
Greene, William H., 1951- |
BUS LIB HB139 .G74 1997 |
Too big to fail : the inside story of how Wall Street and Washington fought to save the financial |
Sorkin, Andrew Ross. |
BUS LIB HB3722 .S659 2009 |
Revolutionary wealth |
Toffler, Alvin. |
BUS LIB HB3730 .T64 2006 |
A game as old as empire : the secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption |
BUS LIB HD2755.5 .G36 2007 |
Forging nonprofit alliances : a comprehensive guide to enhancing your mission through joint venture |
Arsenault, Jane. |
BUS LIB HD2769.15 .A77 1998 |
Everything is miscellaneous : the power of the new digital disorder |
Weinberger, David, 1950- |
BUS LIB HD30.2 .W4516 2007 |
Personnel economics for managers |
Lazear, Edward P. |
BUS LIB HD30.22 .L39 1998 |
Hard facts, danger ous half-truths, and total nonsense : profiting from evidence-based management |
Pfeffer, Jeffrey. |
BUS LIB HD30.23 .P468 2006 |
The new deal at work : managing the market-driven workforce |
Cappelli, Peter. |
BUS LIB HD31 .C299 1999 |
Managing in a time of great change |
Drucker, Peter Ferdinand, 1909- |
BUS LIB HD31 .D77337 1995 |
General and industrial management |
Fayol, Henri, 1841-1925. |
BUS LIB HD31 .F313 1984 |
Organizations in action; social science bases of administrative theory |
Thompson, James D. |
BUS LIB HD38 .T448 |
The death of the organization man |
Bennett, Amanda. |
BUS LIB HD38.25.U6 B46 1990 |
The flight of the creative class : the new global competition for talent |
Florida, Richard L. |
BUS LIB HD53 .F455 2005 |
Crucibles of leadership : how to learn from experience to become a great leader |
Thomas, Robert J. (Robert Joseph), 1952- |
BUS LIB HD57.7 .T467 2008 |
Global productions : labor in the making of the “information society” |
BUS LIB HD5718.H54 G58 1998 |
Mergers, acquisitions, and other restructuring activities |
DePamphilis, Donald. |
BUS LIB HD58.8 .D467 2001 |
Leading change |
Kotter, John P., 1947- |
BUS LIB HD58.8 .K65 1996 |
Learning, training , and development in organizations |
BUS LIB HD58.82 .L43 2010 |
The voice of business : Hill & Knowlton and postwar public relations |
Miller, Karen S. |
BUS LIB HD59.6.U6 M548 1999 |
The art of the start : the time-tested, battle-hardened guide for anyone starting anything |
Kawasaki, Guy, 1954- |
BUS LIB HD62.5 .K38 2004 |
The Jossey-Bass hand book of nonprofit leadership and management |
BUS LIB HD62.6 .J67 2005 |
Integrated branding : becoming brand-driven through companywide action |
LePla, F. Joseph, 1955- |
BUS LIB HD69.B7 L47 1999 |
The collaboration challenge : how nonprofits and businesses succeed through strategic alliances |
Austin, James E. |
BUS LIB HD69.S8 A94 2000 |
Fast food, fast talk : service work and the routinization of everyday life |
Leidner, Robin. |
BUS LIB HD8039I482 U65 1993 |
The global genome : biotechnology, politics, and culture |
Thacker, Eugene. |
BUS LIB HD9999.B442 T453 2005 |
How to get into the top MBA programs |
Montauk, Richard. |
BUS LIB HF1111 .M66 2002 |
Geometry : math preparation guide |
Manhattan GMAT Prep. |
BUS LIB HF1118 .M3545 2005 |
The handbook of mentoring at work : theory, research, and practice |
BUS LIB HF5385 .H26 2007 |
Successful direct marketing methods |
Stone, Bob, 1918-2007. |
BUS LIB HF5415.126 .S757 2008 |
Unmarketable : brandalism, copyfighting, mocketing, and the erosion of integrity |
Moore, Anne Elizabeth. |
BUS LIB HF5415.127 .M663 2007 |
Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and operation |
Chopra, Sunil, 1960- |
BUS LIB HF5415.13 .C533 2001 |
Radical marketing : from Harvard to Harley, lessons from ten that broke the rules and made it big |
Hill, Sam. |
BUS LIB HF5415.13 .H547 1999 |
Handbook of consumer behavior |
BUS LIB HF5415.32 .H36 1991 |
Born to buy : the commercialized child and the new consumer culture |
Schor, Juliet. |
BUS LIB HF5415.33.U6 S355 2004 |
The dynamics of service : reflections on the changing nature of customer/provider interactions |
Gutek, Barbara A. |
BUS LIB HF5415.5 .G88 1995 |
The price of a bargain : the quest for cheap and the death of globalization |
Laird, Gordon, 1967- |
BUS LIB HF5429.215.U6 L35 2009 |
To serve God and Wal-Mart : the making of Christian free enterprise |
Moreton, Bethany. |
BUS LIB HF5429.215.U6 M67 2009 |
Amway, the cult of free enterprise |
Butterfield, Stephen. |
BUS LIB HF5439.H82 B87 1985 |
The cluetrain manifesto : the end of business as usual |
BUS LIB HF5548.32 .C58 2000 |
Active training : a handbook of techniques, designs, case examples, and tips |
Silberman, Melvin L. |
BUS LIB HF5549.5.T7 S555 1990 |
Research in personnel and human resources management. |
BUS LIB HF5549.A2 R39 |
Financial accounting; a general management approach |
Coleman, Almand R. |
BUS LIB HF5635 .C685 |
Management accounting : a decision emphasis |
DeCoster, Don T. |
BUS LIB HF5635 .D3 1982 |
Financial accounting cases |
Hoskin, Robert E. |
BUS LIB HF5635 .H817 1988 |
Cases in financial reporting |
Gibson, Charles H., 1939- |
BUS LIB HF5681.B2 G48 |
Exhibit book for Essentials of financial statement analysis |
Sprouse, Robert Thomas. |
BUS LIB HF5681.B2 S6333 Suppl. |
Handbook for business writing / L. Sue Baugh, Maridell Fryar, David Thomas |
Baugh, L. Sue. |
BUS LIB HF5721 .B38 1986 |
Writing effective business letters , memos, proposals, & reports |
Cypert, Samuel A. |
BUS LIB HF5721 .C96 1983 |
Capital ideas : the improbable origins of modern Wall Street |
Bernstein, Peter L. |
BUS LIB HG173 .B47 1992 |
An introduction to high-frequency finance |
BUS LIB HG173 .I59 2001 |
Plunder and blunder : the rise and fall of the bubble economy |
Baker, Dean, 1958- |
BUS LIB HG181 .B25 2009 |
The Financial services fact book. |
Financial services fact book (New York, N.Y.) |
BUS LIB HG181 .F6436 |
In Fed we trust : Ben Bernanke’s war on the great panic |
Wessel, David. |
BUS LIB HG2565 .W47 2009 |
Corporate financial distress and bankruptcy |
Altman, Edward I., 1941- |
BUS LIB HG3766 .A66 1993 |
Capital rules : the construction of global finance |
Abdelal, Rawi, 1971- |
BUS LIB HG3881 .A23 2007 |
The valuation handbook : valuation techniques from today’s top practitioners |
Thomas, Rawley, 1946- |
BUS LIB HG4028.V3 T48 2010 |
Advances in behavioral finance |
BUS LIB HG4515.15 .A38 1993 |
A random walk down Wall Street : including a life-cycle guide to personal investing |
Malkiel, Burton G. |
BUS LIB HG4521 .M319 1999 |
A random walk down Wall Street : the time-tested strategy for successful investing |
Malkiel, Burton Gordon. |
BUS LIB HG4521 .M319 2003 |
The econometrics of financial markets |
Campbell, John Y. |
BUS LIB HG4523 .C27 1997 |
The economics of financial markets |
Houthakker, Hendrik S. |
BUS LIB HG4523 .H68 1996 |
Managing investment portfolios : a dynamic process |
BUS LIB HG4529.5 .M36 2007 |
Out of the pits : traders and technology from Chicago to London |
Zaloom, Caitlin. |
BUS LIB HG4621 .Z35 2006 |
Asset pricing |
Cochrane, John H. (John Howland) |
BUS LIB HG4636 .C56 2001 |
The Wall Street Journal guide to the end of Wall Street as we know it |
Kansas, Dave. |
BUS LIB HG4910 .W285 2009 |
Interest-rate option models |
Rebonato, Riccardo. |
BUS LIB HG6024.5 .R43 1998 |
Financial calculus : an introduction to derivative pricing |
Baxter, Martin, 1968- |
BUS LIB HG6024.A3 B39 1996 |
Real options in practice |
Brach, Marion A. |
BUS LIB HG6024.A3 B73 2003 |
A complete guide to the futures markets |
Schwager, Jack D., 1948- |
BUS LIB HG6046 .S39 1984 |
The politics of bad ideas : the great tax cut delusion and the decline of good government in America |
Jones, Bryan D. |
BUS LIB HJ257.3 .J66 2008 |
Erosion of the property tax base : trends, causes, and consequences |
BUS LIB HJ4181 .E76 2009 |
Corporate scandals : the many faces of greed |
Gray, Kenneth R., 1952- |
BUS LIB HV6769 .G73 2005 |
Risk analysis and the security survey |
Broder, James F. |
BUS LIB HV8290 .B72 1984 |
Executive security : a corporate guide to effective response to abduction and terrorism |
Cole, Richard B. |
BUS LIB HV8290 .C63 |
Studies in accounting research. |
The Scott, Foresman handbook for writers |
Hairston, Maxine. |
BUS LIB PE1408 .H2968 1999 |
The Disney way : harnessing the management secrets of Disney in your company |
Capodagli, Bill, 1948- |
BUS LIB PN1999.W27 C37 1999 |
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference |
Shadish, William R. |
BUS LIB Q175 .S523 2002 |
The theory of gambling and statistical logic |
Epstein, Richard A., 1927- |
BUS LIB QA273 .E6 1977 |
Inference in hidden Markov models |
Cappé, Olivier. |
BUS LIB QA274.7 .C375 2005 |
Generalized additive models : an introduction with R |
Wood, Simon N. |
BUS LIB QA274.73 .W66 2006 |
The basic practice of statistics |
Moore, David S. |
BUS LIB QA276.12 .M648 2004 |
Nonlinear time series : nonparametric and parametric methods |
Fan, Jianqing. |
BUS LIB QA280 .F36 2005 |
Innumeracy : mathematical illiteracy and its consequences |
Paulos, John Allen. |
BUS LIB QA93 .P38 1990 |
Grown up digital : how the net generation is changing the world |
Tapscott, Don, 1947- |
BUS LIB T14.5 .T25 2009 |
Reorganizing the factory : competing through cellular manufacturing |
Hyer, Nancy Lea, 1955- |
BUS LIB TS178.4 .H936 2002 |
Wal-Mart [videorecording] / the high cost of low price |
BUS LIB Video record 18981 DVD |
The effects of incentive compensation systems on productivity, individual differences … |
Judiesch, Michael Kenneth. |
BUS THES T1994 .J975 |
R&D spending among short-horizon CEOs : a reexamination |
Cazier, Richard Arnold. |
BUS THES T2009 .C3765 |