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Books Recently Returned 2/15/2010

These books from the Business Library’s general collection have been loaned and recently returned. Books appear in order by call number. Readers can use the list to see which subjects are popular or used for research.

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Updated February 15, 2010


Title Author Call Number
Introduction to meta-analysis   BUS CRESV R853.M48 I58 2009 BOOK
tandard & Poor’s analysts’ handbook   BUS DESK Software 5829 CD-ROM
Once upon a time : using story-based activities to develop breakthrough communication skills Gargiulo, Terrence L., 1968- BUS DESK Software 9078 CD-ROM BOOK
The evidential foundations of probabilistic reasoning Schum, David A. BUS LIB BC171 .S38 1994
Difficult converstions : how to discuss what matters most Stone, Douglas, 1958- BUS LIB BF637.C45 S78 2000
We shall not fail : the inspiring leadership of Winston Churchill Sandys, Celia. BUS LIB DA566.9.C5 S266 2003
Shared values : a history of Kimberly-Clark Spector, Robert, 1947- BUS LIB FOLIO HD9829.K5 S66 1997
Advanced financial accounting   BUS LIB FOLIO HF5635 .B165 2009
Financial reporting and analysis   BUS LIB FOLIO HF5681.B2 R398 2009
From Max Weber: essays in sociology Weber, Max, 1864-1920. BUS LIB H33 .W36 1958
Super crunchers : why thinking-by-numbers is the new way to be smart Ayres, Ian. BUS LIB HA29 .A86 2007
Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models Gelman, Andrew. BUS LIB HA31.3 .G45 2007
Stata survey data reference manual : release 10   BUS LIB HA32 .S6986 2007
The handbook of experimental economics   BUS LIB HB131 .H355 1995
Econometric analysis Greene, William H., 1951- BUS LIB HB139 .G74 1997
Too big to fail : the inside story of how Wall Street and Washington fought to save the financial Sorkin, Andrew Ross. BUS LIB HB3722 .S659 2009
Revolutionary wealth Toffler, Alvin. BUS LIB HB3730 .T64 2006
A game as old as empire : the secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption   BUS LIB HD2755.5 .G36 2007
Forging nonprofit alliances : a comprehensive guide to enhancing your mission through joint venture Arsenault, Jane. BUS LIB HD2769.15 .A77 1998
Everything is miscellaneous : the power of the new digital disorder Weinberger, David, 1950- BUS LIB HD30.2 .W4516 2007
Personnel economics for managers Lazear, Edward P. BUS LIB HD30.22 .L39 1998
Hard facts, danger ous half-truths, and total nonsense : profiting from evidence-based management Pfeffer, Jeffrey. BUS LIB HD30.23 .P468 2006
The new deal at work : managing the market-driven workforce Cappelli, Peter. BUS LIB HD31 .C299 1999
Managing in a time of great change Drucker, Peter Ferdinand, 1909- BUS LIB HD31 .D77337 1995
General and industrial management Fayol, Henri, 1841-1925. BUS LIB HD31 .F313 1984
Organizations in action; social science bases of administrative theory Thompson, James D. BUS LIB HD38 .T448
The death of the organization man Bennett, Amanda. BUS LIB HD38.25.U6 B46 1990
The flight of the creative class : the new global competition for talent Florida, Richard L. BUS LIB HD53 .F455 2005
Crucibles of leadership : how to learn from experience to become a great leader Thomas, Robert J. (Robert Joseph), 1952- BUS LIB HD57.7 .T467 2008
Global productions : labor in the making of the “information society”   BUS LIB HD5718.H54 G58 1998
Mergers, acquisitions, and other restructuring activities DePamphilis, Donald. BUS LIB HD58.8 .D467 2001
Leading change Kotter, John P., 1947- BUS LIB HD58.8 .K65 1996
Learning, training , and development in organizations   BUS LIB HD58.82 .L43 2010
The voice of business : Hill & Knowlton and postwar public relations Miller, Karen S. BUS LIB HD59.6.U6 M548 1999
The art of the start : the time-tested, battle-hardened guide for anyone starting anything Kawasaki, Guy, 1954- BUS LIB HD62.5 .K38 2004
The Jossey-Bass hand book of nonprofit leadership and management   BUS LIB HD62.6 .J67 2005
Integrated branding : becoming brand-driven through companywide action LePla, F. Joseph, 1955- BUS LIB HD69.B7 L47 1999
The collaboration challenge : how nonprofits and businesses succeed through strategic alliances Austin, James E. BUS LIB HD69.S8 A94 2000
Fast food, fast talk : service work and the routinization of everyday life Leidner, Robin. BUS LIB HD8039I482 U65 1993
The global genome : biotechnology, politics, and culture Thacker, Eugene. BUS LIB HD9999.B442 T453 2005
How to get into the top MBA programs Montauk, Richard. BUS LIB HF1111 .M66 2002
Geometry : math preparation guide Manhattan GMAT Prep. BUS LIB HF1118 .M3545 2005
The handbook of mentoring at work : theory, research, and practice   BUS LIB HF5385 .H26 2007
Successful direct marketing methods Stone, Bob, 1918-2007. BUS LIB HF5415.126 .S757 2008
Unmarketable : brandalism, copyfighting, mocketing, and the erosion of integrity Moore, Anne Elizabeth. BUS LIB HF5415.127 .M663 2007
Supply chain management : strategy, planning, and operation Chopra, Sunil, 1960- BUS LIB HF5415.13 .C533 2001
Radical marketing : from Harvard to Harley, lessons from ten that broke the rules and made it big Hill, Sam. BUS LIB HF5415.13 .H547 1999
Handbook of consumer behavior   BUS LIB HF5415.32 .H36 1991
Born to buy : the commercialized child and the new consumer culture Schor, Juliet. BUS LIB HF5415.33.U6 S355 2004
The dynamics of service : reflections on the changing nature of customer/provider interactions Gutek, Barbara A. BUS LIB HF5415.5 .G88 1995
The price of a bargain : the quest for cheap and the death of globalization Laird, Gordon, 1967- BUS LIB HF5429.215.U6 L35 2009
To serve God and Wal-Mart : the making of Christian free enterprise Moreton, Bethany. BUS LIB HF5429.215.U6 M67 2009
Amway, the cult of free enterprise Butterfield, Stephen. BUS LIB HF5439.H82 B87 1985
The cluetrain manifesto : the end of business as usual   BUS LIB HF5548.32 .C58 2000
Active training : a handbook of techniques, designs, case examples, and tips Silberman, Melvin L. BUS LIB HF5549.5.T7 S555 1990
Research in personnel and human resources management.   BUS LIB HF5549.A2 R39
Financial accounting; a general management approach Coleman, Almand R. BUS LIB HF5635 .C685
Management accounting : a decision emphasis DeCoster, Don T. BUS LIB HF5635 .D3 1982
Financial accounting cases Hoskin, Robert E. BUS LIB HF5635 .H817 1988
Cases in financial reporting Gibson, Charles H., 1939- BUS LIB HF5681.B2 G48
Exhibit book for Essentials of financial statement analysis Sprouse, Robert Thomas. BUS LIB HF5681.B2 S6333 Suppl.
Handbook for business writing / L. Sue Baugh, Maridell Fryar, David Thomas Baugh, L. Sue. BUS LIB HF5721 .B38 1986
Writing effective business letters , memos, proposals, & reports Cypert, Samuel A. BUS LIB HF5721 .C96 1983
Capital ideas : the improbable origins of modern Wall Street Bernstein, Peter L. BUS LIB HG173 .B47 1992
An introduction to high-frequency finance   BUS LIB HG173 .I59 2001
Plunder and blunder : the rise and fall of the bubble economy Baker, Dean, 1958- BUS LIB HG181 .B25 2009
The Financial services fact book. Financial services fact book (New York, N.Y.) BUS LIB HG181 .F6436
In Fed we trust : Ben Bernanke’s war on the great panic Wessel, David. BUS LIB HG2565 .W47 2009
Corporate financial distress and bankruptcy Altman, Edward I., 1941- BUS LIB HG3766 .A66 1993
Capital rules : the construction of global finance Abdelal, Rawi, 1971- BUS LIB HG3881 .A23 2007
The valuation handbook : valuation techniques from today’s top practitioners Thomas, Rawley, 1946- BUS LIB HG4028.V3 T48 2010
Advances in behavioral finance   BUS LIB HG4515.15 .A38 1993
A random walk down Wall Street : including a life-cycle guide to personal investing Malkiel, Burton G. BUS LIB HG4521 .M319 1999
A random walk down Wall Street : the time-tested strategy for successful investing Malkiel, Burton Gordon. BUS LIB HG4521 .M319 2003
The econometrics of financial markets Campbell, John Y. BUS LIB HG4523 .C27 1997
The economics of financial markets Houthakker, Hendrik S. BUS LIB HG4523 .H68 1996
Managing investment portfolios : a dynamic process   BUS LIB HG4529.5 .M36 2007
Out of the pits : traders and technology from Chicago to London Zaloom, Caitlin. BUS LIB HG4621 .Z35 2006
Asset pricing Cochrane, John H. (John Howland) BUS LIB HG4636 .C56 2001
The Wall Street Journal guide to the end of Wall Street as we know it Kansas, Dave. BUS LIB HG4910 .W285 2009
Interest-rate option models Rebonato, Riccardo. BUS LIB HG6024.5 .R43 1998
Financial calculus : an introduction to derivative pricing Baxter, Martin, 1968- BUS LIB HG6024.A3 B39 1996
Real options in practice Brach, Marion A. BUS LIB HG6024.A3 B73 2003
A complete guide to the futures markets Schwager, Jack D., 1948- BUS LIB HG6046 .S39 1984
The politics of bad ideas : the great tax cut delusion and the decline of good government in America Jones, Bryan D. BUS LIB HJ257.3 .J66 2008
Erosion of the property tax base : trends, causes, and consequences   BUS LIB HJ4181 .E76 2009
Corporate scandals : the many faces of greed Gray, Kenneth R., 1952- BUS LIB HV6769 .G73 2005
Risk analysis and the security survey Broder, James F. BUS LIB HV8290 .B72 1984
Executive security : a corporate guide to effective response to abduction and terrorism Cole, Richard B. BUS LIB HV8290 .C63
Studies in accounting research.   BUS LIB ISSUE
The Scott, Foresman handbook for writers Hairston, Maxine. BUS LIB PE1408 .H2968 1999
The Disney way : harnessing the management secrets of Disney in your company Capodagli, Bill, 1948- BUS LIB PN1999.W27 C37 1999
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference Shadish, William R. BUS LIB Q175 .S523 2002
The theory of gambling and statistical logic Epstein, Richard A., 1927- BUS LIB QA273 .E6 1977
Inference in hidden Markov models Cappé, Olivier. BUS LIB QA274.7 .C375 2005
Generalized additive models : an introduction with R Wood, Simon N. BUS LIB QA274.73 .W66 2006
The basic practice of statistics Moore, David S. BUS LIB QA276.12 .M648 2004
Nonlinear time series : nonparametric and parametric methods Fan, Jianqing. BUS LIB QA280 .F36 2005
Innumeracy : mathematical illiteracy and its consequences Paulos, John Allen. BUS LIB QA93 .P38 1990
Grown up digital : how the net generation is changing the world Tapscott, Don, 1947- BUS LIB T14.5 .T25 2009
Reorganizing the factory : competing through cellular manufacturing Hyer, Nancy Lea, 1955- BUS LIB TS178.4 .H936 2002
Wal-Mart [videorecording] / the high cost of low price   BUS LIB Video record 18981 DVD
The effects of incentive compensation systems on productivity, individual differences … Judiesch, Michael Kenneth. BUS THES T1994 .J975
R&D spending among short-horizon CEOs : a reexamination Cazier, Richard Arnold. BUS THES T2009 .C3765