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Books Recently Returned 12/1/2009

These books from the Business Library’s general collection have been loaned and recently returned. Books appear in order by call number. Readers can use the list to see which subjects are popular or used for research.

Click on a title for more information.

Updated December 1, 2009

Title Author Call No.
Psychometric theory Nunnally, Jum C. BUS LIB BF39 .N8 1994
On becoming a leader Bennis, Warren G. BUS LIB BF637.L4 B37 2003
The firm, the market, and the law Coase, R. H. (Ronald Harry) BUS LIB BOOK
Stata base reference manual.   BUS LIB HA32 .S6985 2007
A course in microeconomic theory Kreps, David M. BUS LIB HB172 .K74 1990a
A colossal failure of common sense : the inside story of the collapse of Lehman Brothers McDonald, Lawrence G. BUS LIB HB3722 .M34 2009
The Culture of entrepreneurship   BUS LIB HB615 .C85 1991
Cost-benefit analysis Pearce, David W. (David William) BUS LIB HB99.3 .D37 1983
Guide to economic indicators Frumkin, Norman. BUS LIB HC103 .F9 2006
Race and entrepreneurial success : Black-, Asian-, and white-owned businesses in the United States Fairlie, Robert W. BUS LIB HD2358.5.U6 F35 2008
Investor engagement : investors and management practice under shareholder value Martin, Roderick. BUS LIB HD2744 .M377 2007
Everything is miscellaneous : the power of the new digital disorder Weinberger, David, 1950- BUS LIB HD30.2 .W4516 2007
Whatever it takes : decision makers at work McCall, Morgan W. BUS LIB HD30.23 .M39 1985
Hard facts, dangerous half-truths, and total nonsense : profiting from evidence-based management Pfeffer, Jeffrey. BUS LIB HD30.23 .P468 2006
Enterprise 2.0 : how social software will change the future of work Cook, Niall. BUS LIB HD30.335 .C67 2008
Images of organization Morgan, Gareth, 1943- BUS LIB HD31 .M6282 1998
Riding the waves of change : developing managerial competencies for a turbulent world Morgan, Gareth, 1943- BUS LIB HD31 .M6283 1988
Imaginization : the art of creative management Morgan, Gareth, 1943- BUS LIB HD38 .M612 1993
Leadership in a diverse and multicultural environment Connerley, Mary L. BUS LIB HD38.25.U6 C66 2005
In their time : the greatest business leaders of the twentieth century Mayo, Anthony J. BUS LIB HD38.25.U6 M34 2005
Competing for the future Hamel, Gary. BUS LIB HD41 .H24 1994
Research on negotiation in organizations   BUS LIB HD42 .R47
Managing the unexpected : resilient performance in an age of uncertainty Weick, Karl E. BUS LIB HD49 .W45 2007
Competing devotions : career and family among women executives Blair-Loy, Mary. BUS LIB HD4904.25 .B57 2003
Myths and realities of executive pay Kay, Ira T. BUS LIB HD4965.5.U6 K389 2007
Transformational leadership : industrial, military, and educational impact Bass, Bernard M. BUS LIB HD57.7 .B373 1998
Good to great and the social sectors : why business thinking is not the answer Collins, James C. (James Charles), 1958- BUS LIB HD57.7 .C644 2005
Managerial dilemmas : exploiting paradox for strategic leadership Storey, John, 1947- BUS LIB HD57.7 .S758 2009
Organizing America : wealth, power, and the origins of corporate capitalism Perrow, Charles. BUS LIB HD58.7 .P464 2002
Perspectives on organizational fit   BUS LIB HD58.7 .P485 2007
Research in organizational behavior   BUS LIB HD58.7 .R45
Complexity and creativity in organizations Stacey, Ralph D. BUS LIB HD58.7 .S73 1996
Performance-driven organizational change : the organizational portfolio Donaldson, Lex. BUS LIB HD58.8 .D66 1999
Pathways to nonprofit excellence Light, Paul Charles. BUS LIB HD62.6 .L543 2002
Managing and measuring social enterprises Paton, Rob. BUS LIB HD62.6 .P377 2003
Success and failure of microbusiness owners in Africa : a psychological approach   BUS LIB HD62.7 .S895 2000
Grocery revolution : the new focus on the consumer Kahn, Barbara E. BUS LIB HD9321.5 .K35 1997
For God, country, and Coca-Cola : the unauthorized history of the great American soft drink… Pendergrast, Mark. BUS LIB HD9349.S634 C674 1993
Transnationalization of the automotive industry Sékaly, Raymond R. BUS LIB HD9710.A2 S4 1981
The commercialization of outer space : opportunities and obstacles for American business Goodrich, Jonathan N. BUS LIB HD9711.75.U62 G66 1989
Critical reasoning & reading comprehension : verbal preparation guide Manhattan GMAT Prep. BUS LIB HF1118 .M3542 2005
Number properties : math preparation guide. Manhattan GMAT Prep. BUS LIB HF1118 .M3546 2005
Sentence correction : verbal preparation guide Manhattan GMAT Prep. BUS LIB HF1118 .M3547 2005
Trade policy analysis   BUS LIB HF1701 .T73
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, 1839-2004 : a historical review Jayawickrama, S. S. BUS LIB HF331.S72 J39 2005
Developments in marketing science Academy of Marketing Science. BUS LIB HF5415.1 .D4
Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant Kim, W. Chan. BUS LIB HF5415.153 .K53 2005
Report Report (Marketing Science Institute) BUS LIB HF5415.2 .R38
Consumer behavior and marketing action Assael, Henry. BUS LIB HF5415.3 .A78 1992
Under the influence : tracing the hip-hop generation’s impact on brands, sports, & pop culture Patton, Erin O. BUS LIB HF5415.33.U6 P38 2009
Counter cultures : saleswomen, managers, and customers in American department stores, 1890-1940 Benson, Susan Porter, 1943- BUS LIB HF5465.U5 B45 1986
Creative human resource planning and applications : a strategic approach Burack, Elmer H. BUS LIB HF5549.5.M3 B874 1988
Judgment and deci ion-making research in accounting and auditing   BUS LIB HF5657 .J8 1995
The fall of the house of credit Milne, Alistair. BUS LIB HG1573 .M55 2009
The psychology of money Furnham, Adrian. BUS LIB HG222.3 .F87 1998
All about DRIPs and DSPs: the easy way to get started Fisher, George C. BUS LIB HG4028.D5 F57 2001
Beating the S&P with dividends : how to build a superior portfolio of dividend yielding stocks O’Shea, Peter. BUS LIB HG4028.D5 O84 2005
Security owner’s stock guide Standard and Poor’s Corporation. BUS LIB HG4501 .S7
Neural networks for financial forecasting Gately, Edward, 1929- BUS LIB HG4515.5 .G37 1996
Fundamentals of the securities industry Rini, William A. BUS LIB HG4521 .R538 2003
Fooled by randomness : the hidden role of chance in life and in the markets Taleb, Nassim. BUS LIB HG4521 .T285 2005
The theory and practice of investment management   BUS LIB HG4521 .T44 2002
Value investing : from Graham to Buffet and beyond   BUS LIB HG4529 .V35 2001
Active equity portfolio management   BUS LIB HG4529.5 .A38 1998
Investment banking : institutions, politics, and law Morrison, Alan, 1967- BUS LIB HG4534 .M65 2007
Out of the pits : traders and technology from Chicago to London Zaloom, Caitlin. BUS LIB HG4621 .Z35 2006
Asset pricing Cochrane, John H. (John Howland) BUS LIB HG4636 .C56 2001
Fixed income analysis Fabozzi, Frank J. BUS LIB HG4650 .F326 2007
The trillion dollar meltdown : easy money, high rollers, and the great credit crash Morris, Charles R. BUS LIB HG4910 .M667 2008
Bond guide Standard and Poor’s Corporation. BUS LIB HG4921 .S618
Value at risk : the new benchmark for controlling market risk Jorion, Philippe, 1955- BUS LIB HG6024.3 .J683 1997
Financial calculus : an introduction to derivative pricing Baxter, Martin, 1968- BUS LIB HG6024.A3 B39 1996
Derivatives risk and responsibility   BUS LIB HG6024.A3 R57 1996
Genetics and life insurance : medical underwriting and social policy   BUS LIB HG8886 .G43 2004
Leadership and performance beyond expectations Bass, Bernard M. BUS LIB HM141 .B33 1985
Leadership and the new science : discovering order in a chaotic world Wheatley, Margaret. BUS LIB Q158.5 .W43 1999
Leadership and the new science : discovering order in a chaotic world Wheatley, Margaret J. BUS LIB Q158.5 .W43 2006
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference Shadish, William R. BUS LIB Q175 .S523 2002
Quantile regression Koenker, Roger, 1947- BUS LIB QA278.2 .K64 2005
Management information systems   BUS LIB T58.6 .C65 1981
Hotel Babylon   BUS LIB TX911 .H593 2004



Test Page

These books from the Business Library’s general collection have been loaned and recently returned. Books appear in order by call number. Readers can use the list to see which subjects are popular or used for research.

Click on a title for more information.

Updated December 1, 2009

Title Author Call No.
Psychometric theory Nunnally, Jum C. BUS LIB BF39 .N8 1994
On becoming a leader Bennis, Warren G. BUS LIB BF637.L4 B37 2003
The firm, the market, and the law Coase, R. H. (Ronald Harry) BUS LIB BOOK
Stata base reference manual.   BUS LIB HA32 .S6985 2007
A course in microeconomic theory Kreps, David M. BUS LIB HB172 .K74 1990a
A colossal failure of common sense : the inside story of the collapse of Lehman Brothers McDonald, Lawrence G. BUS LIB HB3722 .M34 2009
The Culture of entrepreneurship   BUS LIB HB615 .C85 1991
Cost-benefit analysis Pearce, David W. (David William) BUS LIB HB99.3 .D37 1983
Guide to economic indicators Frumkin, Norman. BUS LIB HC103 .F9 2006
Race and entrepreneurial success : Black-, Asian-, and white-owned businesses in the United States Fairlie, Robert W. BUS LIB HD2358.5.U6 F35 2008
Investor engagement : investors and management practice under shareholder value Martin, Roderick. BUS LIB HD2744 .M377 2007
Everything is miscellaneous : the power of the new digital disorder Weinberger, David, 1950- BUS LIB HD30.2 .W4516 2007
Whatever it takes : decision makers at work McCall, Morgan W. BUS LIB HD30.23 .M39 1985
Hard facts, dangerous half-truths, and total nonsense : profiting from evidence-based management Pfeffer, Jeffrey. BUS LIB HD30.23 .P468 2006
Enterprise 2.0 : how social software will change the future of work Cook, Niall. BUS LIB HD30.335 .C67 2008
Images of organization Morgan, Gareth, 1943- BUS LIB HD31 .M6282 1998
Riding the waves of change : developing managerial competencies for a turbulent world Morgan, Gareth, 1943- BUS LIB HD31 .M6283 1988
Imaginization : the art of creative management Morgan, Gareth, 1943- BUS LIB HD38 .M612 1993
Leadership in a diverse and multicultural environment Connerley, Mary L. BUS LIB HD38.25.U6 C66 2005
In their time : the greatest business leaders of the twentieth century Mayo, Anthony J. BUS LIB HD38.25.U6 M34 2005
Competing for the future Hamel, Gary. BUS LIB HD41 .H24 1994
Research on negotiation in organizations   BUS LIB HD42 .R47
Managing the unexpected : resilient performance in an age of uncertainty Weick, Karl E. BUS LIB HD49 .W45 2007
Competing devotions : career and family among women executives Blair-Loy, Mary. BUS LIB HD4904.25 .B57 2003
Myths and realities of executive pay Kay, Ira T. BUS LIB HD4965.5.U6 K389 2007
Transformational leadership : industrial, military, and educational impact Bass, Bernard M. BUS LIB HD57.7 .B373 1998
Good to great and the social sectors : why business thinking is not the answer Collins, James C. (James Charles), 1958- BUS LIB HD57.7 .C644 2005
Managerial dilemmas : exploiting paradox for strategic leadership Storey, John, 1947- BUS LIB HD57.7 .S758 2009
Organizing America : wealth, power, and the origins of corporate capitalism Perrow, Charles. BUS LIB HD58.7 .P464 2002
Perspectives on organizational fit   BUS LIB HD58.7 .P485 2007
Research in organizational behavior   BUS LIB HD58.7 .R45
Complexity and creativity in organizations Stacey, Ralph D. BUS LIB HD58.7 .S73 1996
Performance-driven organizational change : the organizational portfolio Donaldson, Lex. BUS LIB HD58.8 .D66 1999
Pathways to nonprofit excellence Light, Paul Charles. BUS LIB HD62.6 .L543 2002
Managing and measuring social enterprises Paton, Rob. BUS LIB HD62.6 .P377 2003
Success and failure of microbusiness owners in Africa : a psychological approach   BUS LIB HD62.7 .S895 2000
Grocery revolution : the new focus on the consumer Kahn, Barbara E. BUS LIB HD9321.5 .K35 1997
For God, country, and Coca-Cola : the unauthorized history of the great American soft drink… Pendergrast, Mark. BUS LIB HD9349.S634 C674 1993
Transnationalization of the automotive industry Sékaly, Raymond R. BUS LIB HD9710.A2 S4 1981
The commercialization of outer space : opportunities and obstacles for American business Goodrich, Jonathan N. BUS LIB HD9711.75.U62 G66 1989
Critical reasoning & reading comprehension : verbal preparation guide Manhattan GMAT Prep. BUS LIB HF1118 .M3542 2005
Number properties : math preparation guide. Manhattan GMAT Prep. BUS LIB HF1118 .M3546 2005
Sentence correction : verbal preparation guide Manhattan GMAT Prep. BUS LIB HF1118 .M3547 2005
Trade policy analysis   BUS LIB HF1701 .T73
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, 1839-2004 : a historical review Jayawickrama, S. S. BUS LIB HF331.S72 J39 2005
Developments in marketing science Academy of Marketing Science. BUS LIB HF5415.1 .D4
Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant Kim, W. Chan. BUS LIB HF5415.153 .K53 2005
Report Report (Marketing Science Institute) BUS LIB HF5415.2 .R38
Consumer behavior and marketing action Assael, Henry. BUS LIB HF5415.3 .A78 1992
Under the influence : tracing the hip-hop generation’s impact on brands, sports, & pop culture Patton, Erin O. BUS LIB HF5415.33.U6 P38 2009
Counter cultures : saleswomen, managers, and customers in American department stores, 1890-1940 Benson, Susan Porter, 1943- BUS LIB HF5465.U5 B45 1986
Creative human resource planning and applications : a strategic approach Burack, Elmer H. BUS LIB HF5549.5.M3 B874 1988
Judgment and deci ion-making research in accounting and auditing   BUS LIB HF5657 .J8 1995
The fall of the house of credit Milne, Alistair. BUS LIB HG1573 .M55 2009
The psychology of money Furnham, Adrian. BUS LIB HG222.3 .F87 1998
All about DRIPs and DSPs: the easy way to get started Fisher, George C. BUS LIB HG4028.D5 F57 2001
Beating the S&P with dividends : how to build a superior portfolio of dividend yielding stocks O’Shea, Peter. BUS LIB HG4028.D5 O84 2005
Security owner’s stock guide Standard and Poor’s Corporation. BUS LIB HG4501 .S7
Neural networks for financial forecasting Gately, Edward, 1929- BUS LIB HG4515.5 .G37 1996
Fundamentals of the securities industry Rini, William A. BUS LIB HG4521 .R538 2003
Fooled by randomness : the hidden role of chance in life and in the markets Taleb, Nassim. BUS LIB HG4521 .T285 2005
The theory and practice of investment management   BUS LIB HG4521 .T44 2002
Value investing : from Graham to Buffet and beyond   BUS LIB HG4529 .V35 2001
Active equity portfolio management   BUS LIB HG4529.5 .A38 1998
Investment banking : institutions, politics, and law Morrison, Alan, 1967- BUS LIB HG4534 .M65 2007
Out of the pits : traders and technology from Chicago to London Zaloom, Caitlin. BUS LIB HG4621 .Z35 2006
Asset pricing Cochrane, John H. (John Howland) BUS LIB HG4636 .C56 2001
Fixed income analysis Fabozzi, Frank J. BUS LIB HG4650 .F326 2007
The trillion dollar meltdown : easy money, high rollers, and the great credit crash Morris, Charles R. BUS LIB HG4910 .M667 2008
Bond guide Standard and Poor’s Corporation. BUS LIB HG4921 .S618
Value at risk : the new benchmark for controlling market risk Jorion, Philippe, 1955- BUS LIB HG6024.3 .J683 1997
Financial calculus : an introduction to derivative pricing Baxter, Martin, 1968- BUS LIB HG6024.A3 B39 1996
Derivatives risk and responsibility   BUS LIB HG6024.A3 R57 1996
Genetics and life insurance : medical underwriting and social policy   BUS LIB HG8886 .G43 2004
Leadership and performance beyond expectations Bass, Bernard M. BUS LIB HM141 .B33 1985
Leadership and the new science : discovering order in a chaotic world Wheatley, Margaret. BUS LIB Q158.5 .W43 1999
Leadership and the new science : discovering order in a chaotic world Wheatley, Margaret J. BUS LIB Q158.5 .W43 2006
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference Shadish, William R. BUS LIB Q175 .S523 2002
Quantile regression Koenker, Roger, 1947- BUS LIB QA278.2 .K64 2005
Management information systems   BUS LIB T58.6 .C65 1981
Hotel Babylon   BUS LIB TX911 .H593 2004