Title |
Author |
Call No. |
Psychometric theory |
Nunnally, Jum C. |
BUS LIB BF39 .N8 1994 |
On becoming a leader |
Bennis, Warren G. |
BUS LIB BF637.L4 B37 2003 |
The firm, the market, and the law |
Coase, R. H. (Ronald Harry) |
Stata base reference manual. |
BUS LIB HA32 .S6985 2007 |
A course in microeconomic theory |
Kreps, David M. |
BUS LIB HB172 .K74 1990a |
A colossal failure of common sense : the inside story of the collapse of Lehman Brothers |
McDonald, Lawrence G. |
BUS LIB HB3722 .M34 2009 |
The Culture of entrepreneurship |
BUS LIB HB615 .C85 1991 |
Cost-benefit analysis |
Pearce, David W. (David William) |
BUS LIB HB99.3 .D37 1983 |
Guide to economic indicators |
Frumkin, Norman. |
BUS LIB HC103 .F9 2006 |
Race and entrepreneurial success : Black-, Asian-, and white-owned businesses in the United States |
Fairlie, Robert W. |
BUS LIB HD2358.5.U6 F35 2008 |
Investor engagement : investors and management practice under shareholder value |
Martin, Roderick. |
BUS LIB HD2744 .M377 2007 |
Everything is miscellaneous : the power of the new digital disorder |
Weinberger, David, 1950- |
BUS LIB HD30.2 .W4516 2007 |
Whatever it takes : decision makers at work |
McCall, Morgan W. |
BUS LIB HD30.23 .M39 1985 |
Hard facts, dangerous half-truths, and total nonsense : profiting from evidence-based management |
Pfeffer, Jeffrey. |
BUS LIB HD30.23 .P468 2006 |
Enterprise 2.0 : how social software will change the future of work |
Cook, Niall. |
BUS LIB HD30.335 .C67 2008 |
Images of organization |
Morgan, Gareth, 1943- |
BUS LIB HD31 .M6282 1998 |
Riding the waves of change : developing managerial competencies for a turbulent world |
Morgan, Gareth, 1943- |
BUS LIB HD31 .M6283 1988 |
Imaginization : the art of creative management |
Morgan, Gareth, 1943- |
BUS LIB HD38 .M612 1993 |
Leadership in a diverse and multicultural environment |
Connerley, Mary L. |
BUS LIB HD38.25.U6 C66 2005 |
In their time : the greatest business leaders of the twentieth century |
Mayo, Anthony J. |
BUS LIB HD38.25.U6 M34 2005 |
Competing for the future |
Hamel, Gary. |
BUS LIB HD41 .H24 1994 |
Research on negotiation in organizations |
BUS LIB HD42 .R47 |
Managing the unexpected : resilient performance in an age of uncertainty |
Weick, Karl E. |
BUS LIB HD49 .W45 2007 |
Competing devotions : career and family among women executives |
Blair-Loy, Mary. |
BUS LIB HD4904.25 .B57 2003 |
Myths and realities of executive pay |
Kay, Ira T. |
BUS LIB HD4965.5.U6 K389 2007 |
Transformational leadership : industrial, military, and educational impact |
Bass, Bernard M. |
BUS LIB HD57.7 .B373 1998 |
Good to great and the social sectors : why business thinking is not the answer |
Collins, James C. (James Charles), 1958- |
BUS LIB HD57.7 .C644 2005 |
Managerial dilemmas : exploiting paradox for strategic leadership |
Storey, John, 1947- |
BUS LIB HD57.7 .S758 2009 |
Organizing America : wealth, power, and the origins of corporate capitalism |
Perrow, Charles. |
BUS LIB HD58.7 .P464 2002 |
Perspectives on organizational fit |
BUS LIB HD58.7 .P485 2007 |
Research in organizational behavior |
BUS LIB HD58.7 .R45 |
Complexity and creativity in organizations |
Stacey, Ralph D. |
BUS LIB HD58.7 .S73 1996 |
Performance-driven organizational change : the organizational portfolio |
Donaldson, Lex. |
BUS LIB HD58.8 .D66 1999 |
Pathways to nonprofit excellence |
Light, Paul Charles. |
BUS LIB HD62.6 .L543 2002 |
Managing and measuring social enterprises |
Paton, Rob. |
BUS LIB HD62.6 .P377 2003 |
Success and failure of microbusiness owners in Africa : a psychological approach |
BUS LIB HD62.7 .S895 2000 |
Grocery revolution : the new focus on the consumer |
Kahn, Barbara E. |
BUS LIB HD9321.5 .K35 1997 |
For God, country, and Coca-Cola : the unauthorized history of the great American soft drink… |
Pendergrast, Mark. |
BUS LIB HD9349.S634 C674 1993 |
Transnationalization of the automotive industry |
Sékaly, Raymond R. |
BUS LIB HD9710.A2 S4 1981 |
The commercialization of outer space : opportunities and obstacles for American business |
Goodrich, Jonathan N. |
BUS LIB HD9711.75.U62 G66 1989 |
Critical reasoning & reading comprehension : verbal preparation guide |
Manhattan GMAT Prep. |
BUS LIB HF1118 .M3542 2005 |
Number properties : math preparation guide. |
Manhattan GMAT Prep. |
BUS LIB HF1118 .M3546 2005 |
Sentence correction : verbal preparation guide |
Manhattan GMAT Prep. |
BUS LIB HF1118 .M3547 2005 |
Trade policy analysis |
BUS LIB HF1701 .T73 |
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, 1839-2004 : a historical review |
Jayawickrama, S. S. |
BUS LIB HF331.S72 J39 2005 |
Developments in marketing science |
Academy of Marketing Science. |
BUS LIB HF5415.1 .D4 |
Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant |
Kim, W. Chan. |
BUS LIB HF5415.153 .K53 2005 |
Report |
Report (Marketing Science Institute) |
BUS LIB HF5415.2 .R38 |
Consumer behavior and marketing action |
Assael, Henry. |
BUS LIB HF5415.3 .A78 1992 |
Under the influence : tracing the hip-hop generation’s impact on brands, sports, & pop culture |
Patton, Erin O. |
BUS LIB HF5415.33.U6 P38 2009 |
Counter cultures : saleswomen, managers, and customers in American department stores, 1890-1940 |
Benson, Susan Porter, 1943- |
BUS LIB HF5465.U5 B45 1986 |
Creative human resource planning and applications : a strategic approach |
Burack, Elmer H. |
BUS LIB HF5549.5.M3 B874 1988 |
Judgment and deci ion-making research in accounting and auditing |
BUS LIB HF5657 .J8 1995 |
The fall of the house of credit |
Milne, Alistair. |
BUS LIB HG1573 .M55 2009 |
The psychology of money |
Furnham, Adrian. |
BUS LIB HG222.3 .F87 1998 |
All about DRIPs and DSPs: the easy way to get started |
Fisher, George C. |
BUS LIB HG4028.D5 F57 2001 |
Beating the S&P with dividends : how to build a superior portfolio of dividend yielding stocks |
O’Shea, Peter. |
BUS LIB HG4028.D5 O84 2005 |
Security owner’s stock guide |
Standard and Poor’s Corporation. |
BUS LIB HG4501 .S7 |
Neural networks for financial forecasting |
Gately, Edward, 1929- |
BUS LIB HG4515.5 .G37 1996 |
Fundamentals of the securities industry |
Rini, William A. |
BUS LIB HG4521 .R538 2003 |
Fooled by randomness : the hidden role of chance in life and in the markets |
Taleb, Nassim. |
BUS LIB HG4521 .T285 2005 |
The theory and practice of investment management |
BUS LIB HG4521 .T44 2002 |
Value investing : from Graham to Buffet and beyond |
BUS LIB HG4529 .V35 2001 |
Active equity portfolio management |
BUS LIB HG4529.5 .A38 1998 |
Investment banking : institutions, politics, and law |
Morrison, Alan, 1967- |
BUS LIB HG4534 .M65 2007 |
Out of the pits : traders and technology from Chicago to London |
Zaloom, Caitlin. |
BUS LIB HG4621 .Z35 2006 |
Asset pricing |
Cochrane, John H. (John Howland) |
BUS LIB HG4636 .C56 2001 |
Fixed income analysis |
Fabozzi, Frank J. |
BUS LIB HG4650 .F326 2007 |
The trillion dollar meltdown : easy money, high rollers, and the great credit crash |
Morris, Charles R. |
BUS LIB HG4910 .M667 2008 |
Bond guide |
Standard and Poor’s Corporation. |
BUS LIB HG4921 .S618 |
Value at risk : the new benchmark for controlling market risk |
Jorion, Philippe, 1955- |
BUS LIB HG6024.3 .J683 1997 |
Financial calculus : an introduction to derivative pricing |
Baxter, Martin, 1968- |
BUS LIB HG6024.A3 B39 1996 |
Derivatives risk and responsibility |
BUS LIB HG6024.A3 R57 1996 |
Genetics and life insurance : medical underwriting and social policy |
BUS LIB HG8886 .G43 2004 |
Leadership and performance beyond expectations |
Bass, Bernard M. |
BUS LIB HM141 .B33 1985 |
Leadership and the new science : discovering order in a chaotic world |
Wheatley, Margaret. |
BUS LIB Q158.5 .W43 1999 |
Leadership and the new science : discovering order in a chaotic world |
Wheatley, Margaret J. |
BUS LIB Q158.5 .W43 2006 |
Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference |
Shadish, William R. |
BUS LIB Q175 .S523 2002 |
Quantile regression |
Koenker, Roger, 1947- |
BUS LIB QA278.2 .K64 2005 |
Management information systems |
BUS LIB T58.6 .C65 1981 |
Hotel Babylon |
BUS LIB TX911 .H593 2004 |