New Life Sciences Preprint Server: BioRxiv

From Science 14 November 2014:
Vol. 346 no. 6211 pp. 792-793
DOI: 10.1126/science.346.6211.792                        

BioRxiv at 1 year

“A year after its launch, a new preprint server for life sciences is off to a healthy start, its creators say. BioRxiv, a free site sponsored by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), has attracted more than 800 papers (see graph). Submissions span many disciplines—such as cell biology and cancer research—in which preprint sharing hadn’t been routine. About 28% of authors, who come from 44 countries, have revised their papers, presumably after getting feedback from readers, says John Inglis, executive director of CSHL Press. For scientists who might worry that posting a preprint will jeopardize its chances at a journal, Inglis points out that one-fourth of bioRxiv’s papers have later appeared in journals including Science, Nature, and Cell.

BioRxiv is indexed in SciFinder, but not Web of Science, Scopus or PubMed. If you have any questions or if you’d like a demonstration of this database, please contact the Sciences Library.


Online access is now available to Zebrafish, starting with volume 1, issue 1.

Zebrafish is “ the only peer-reviewed journal to focus on the zebrafish, which has numerous valuable features as a model organism for the study of vertebrate development. Due to its prolific reproduction and the external development of the transparent embryo, the zebrafish is a prime model for genetic and developmental studies, as well as research in toxicology and genomics. While genetically more distant from humans, the vertebrate zebrafish nevertheless has comparable organs and tissues, such as heart, kidney, pancreas, bones, and cartilage.”

The journal can accessed through the links in this blog post or by searching the library catalog or the e-journal search page. It is indexed in the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science citation databases. Off-campus access is available to students, faculty and staff who use the Libraries’ links and sign in with a HawkID and password.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Zebrafish, please contact the Sciences Library at or 335-3083.

Mathematical Research Letters

Online access is now available to Mathematical Research Letters.

Mathematical Research Letters is “dedicated to rapid publication of short complete papers of original research in all areas of mathematics. Expository papers and research announcements of exceptional interest are also occasionally published.”

The journal can accessed through the links in this blog post or by searching the library catalog or the e-journal search page. It is indexed in the MathSciNet and Web of Science citation databases. Use the yellow UILink button to access the full-text. Off-campus access is available to students, faculty and staff who use the Libraries’ links and sign in with a HawkID and password.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Mathematical Research Letters, please contact the Sciences Library at or 335-3083.

JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)

JoVEThe UI Libraries is pleased to announce full access to all sections of JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), including Applied Physics, BehaviorBioengineering, Chemistry, Clinical and Translational MedicineImmunology and Infection, and Neuroscience. The Environment section will be available in September 2013.

JoVE is a peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed video journal that seeks to “increase the productivity of scientific research” through the publication of “biological, medical, chemical and physical research in a video format”.

You can access JoVE and its sections by  bookmarking the links in this post. You can also search for specific sections using the library catalog or e-journal search. JoVE sections are also listed in their relevant subject guides.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about JoVE, please contact the Sciences Library at or 335-3083.