
SpringerMaterials Database

The UI Libraries now has access to the SpringerMaterials database, a unique and authoritative source SpringerMaterialsfor numerical and graphical data on the properties of materials. This database contains more than 500,000 online documents covering 3,000 properties spread across 250,000 materials and chemical systems. It consists of seven major parts:

  1. The Landolt-Börnstein Series: 461 volumes, 290,000 substances and 1,400,000 citations.
  2. The complete Linus Pauling Files: A comprehensive database covering the properties of inorganic solid phases and containing 255,000 documents with 129,000 interactive structures.
  3. A subset of the Dortmund Database of Software and Separation Technology which covers the thermophysical properties of pure liquids and binary mixtures, with 472,000 data points.
  4. An Adsorption Database covering over 1,500 reversible, equilibrium isotherms on 66 adsorbents.
  5. A Polymer Thermodynamics database containing 30,000 data points covering 150 polymers.
  6. The MSI Database, a collection of 4,100 critically evaluated reports on binary/ternary elemental systems and 7,500 interactive phase diagrams.
  7. Corrosion Database, compiled from various literature sources by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), contains 24,724 unique records of corrosion rates/ratings of 1,026 different materials in 288 different environments, under various exposure conditions.

You can use SpringerMaterials to search by keyword, element, or structure. There’s also a separate Corrosion Search. If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, you can also browse by collection. Property information is already collected and formatted, so you don’t need to retrieve and analyze the primary literature sources.

UI students, faculty, and staff can access SpringerMaterials on or off-campus using the links on the Libraries’ websites. It is linked from the Chemistry and Physics subject guides. It’s also listed in the A-Z Databases list and in the library catalog. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted to login with your HawkID and password.

If you have questions about SpringerMaterials or would like a demonstration, please contact the Sciences Library for assistance.

Use Google Scholar to access library subscriptions

Question: How do I access articles the library subscribes to through Google Scholar?

Answer: The answer to this depends upon where you are when searching Google Scholar. If you are using a computer connected to the campus network, Google Scholar automatically detects that and provides a text link to UILink. Follow that link to see if we have access to the article.

UILink in Google Scholar

If you are searching Google Scholar from off campus, you have two options for getting Google Scholar to recognize that you are affiliated with UI. If you use our link (http://purl.lib.uiowa.edu/GoogleSch) from Databases A-Z, you will be prompted to log in with your Hawk ID and then UILink will appear in Google Scholar results.

If you are working off campus and prefer to go directly to Google Scholar, you can show it that you are UI-affiliated if you have a Google account. When logged in to your Google account and on the Google Scholar search page, go to Settings in the upper right, then Library links on the left side of the Scholar Settings page. Use the search box to locate University of Iowa, then the check box to turn on University of Iowa – ViewIt@UILink in results.

Google Scholar Settings

Note: You may need to uncheck “UIowa InfoLink:Full Text” first. And if you want to retain your settings across devices, you must turn on cookies.

If you have any questions or problems with setting up UILink in Google Scholar, please contact Sara Scheib.

Pharmaceutical Substances Structure Query

There is a known problem with the Thieme Pharmaceutical Substances Structure Query function. The error messages differ based on your browser. In Internet Explorer: Application Blocked by Java Security. In Chrome: This plugin is not supported. Thieme is aware of the problem and it will be fixed with the next version, scheduled for release early next year.

In the meantime, there is a workaround for Internet Explorer, but you must manually add it to the Java Security Exception Site list:

  1. Go to Control Panel > Java > Security
  2. Click “Edit Site List…”
  3. Click “Add”
  4. Type http://pharmaceutical-substances.thieme.com/prod/ in the Location field
  5. Click “OK”
  6. Click “Continue”
  7. Click “OK and “OK” again to exit the Java Control Panel and save the changes

There is no work around for Chrome.

If you have any problems or questions, please contact the Sciences Library at lib-sciences@uiowa.edu or 319-335-3083.

New Life Sciences Preprint Server: BioRxiv

From Science 14 November 2014:
Vol. 346 no. 6211 pp. 792-793
DOI: 10.1126/science.346.6211.792                        

BioRxiv at 1 year

“A year after its launch, a new preprint server for life sciences is off to a healthy start, its creators say. BioRxiv, a free site sponsored by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), has attracted more than 800 papers (see graph). Submissions span many disciplines—such as cell biology and cancer research—in which preprint sharing hadn’t been routine. About 28% of authors, who come from 44 countries, have revised their papers, presumably after getting feedback from readers, says John Inglis, executive director of CSHL Press. For scientists who might worry that posting a preprint will jeopardize its chances at a journal, Inglis points out that one-fourth of bioRxiv’s papers have later appeared in journals including Science, Nature, and Cell. http://scim.ag/bioRxiv1yr

BioRxiv is indexed in SciFinder, but not Web of Science, Scopus or PubMed. If you have any questions or if you’d like a demonstration of this database, please contact the Sciences Library.

New Resource: BioOne.1 Journals Collection

The UI Libraries has acquired access to the BioOne.1 Journals Collection. This collection provides full-text access to 108 research journals from 82 publishers, focused on the biological, biomedical, ecological, and environmental sciences.

You can access the BioOne.1 Journals Collection directly from this link: http://purl.lib.uiowa.edu/bioone, or from the A-Z Databases List,  the library catalog, or the Biology, Environmental Sciences, or Geoscience subject guides.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the BioOne.1 Journals Collection, please contact Sara Scheib at 335-3024 or sara-scheib@uiowa.edu.

SciFinder Non-Java Structure Editor now available

The latest SciFinder update includes a new version of the CAS Structure Editor that does not require a Java plugin. For more information and a listing of other new features, please visit What’s New in SciFinder.

If you would like to learn more about SciFinder, please contact the Sciences Library at 335-3083 or lib-sciences@uiowa.edu.

IECSC now available in SciFinder

SciFinder’s database of regulated chemicals has been updated with more than 42,000 registered substances from the 2013 Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC). The addition of this national inventory brings the number of regulated substances in SciFinder to more than 300,000.

To learn more, visit http://www.cas.org/news/media-releases/inventory-existing-chemical-substances.

Scopus Workshop

Have you tried Scopus, our new database? The UI Libraries provide free access to Scopus, an excellent multidisciplinary citation database. Join us for a Scopus Workshop and learn advanced techniques that will help you conduct your research more efficiently and effectively.

Lunch @ the Sciences Library
Scopus Workshop
11:30am- 12:20pm, Wednesday, March 13th
102 SL (Sciences Library Classroom)

In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Access Scopus from off-campus;
  • Use refine options to retrieve more relevant search results;
  • Create reports to analyze your results;
  • Save citations from Scopus to RefWorks, EndNote and other citation managers;
  • Save searches and set up alerts to keep up with the literature in your field;
  • Find the full-text of citations retrieved in Scopus;
  • Get help when you need it!

This workshop is free and open to all UI students, faculty and staff. There is no need to register. You may bring your lunch if desired. Free coffee will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Sara Scheib at sara-scheib@uiowa.edu or (319) 335-3024.