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Sergt. Jim Morrow arrived this morning bringing your letter of the 17th

Joseph Culver Letter, July 1, 1864, Page 1

Hd. Qurs. Co. “A” 129th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inftry.
In the Field Near Marietta, Ga. July 1st 1864
My Dear Wife

Sergt. Jim Morrow arrived this morning bringing your letter of the 17th June and the box of cherries, the latter were all rotten. I am most happy to learn that your health is good. I gave Saml. McGooden his sister’s letter, but have had no opportunity to send to Bro. John [Murphy]. There is a soldier here visiting belonging to the 44th Ills., and I will try & get him to carry the letter & will also send a note by him.1

The weather is clear and very warm. I am reaping the result of my promotion by acting “Brig. Off. of the Day.”2 I will try and write to Hill’s S. School soon, & will do so to-day if I get time. We are drawing clothing to-day. I have not had a chance to talk with Jim [Morrow] yet, so many have been gathered around him gleaning news of Home that I did not wish to disturb him, much as I wish to learn all that he knows.

The men are all gathered around and talking so much that it is difficult to write. We have been on the rear line of fortifications for two days past but will probably be put in front to-night.3 Col. Ben Harrison is again in command of the Brig. & Jim Mitchell is A.A.A.G.4 The latter is rapidly improving in health but will probably never be quite well.

Chaplain Cotten has just passed around with some papers and tracts of which I got several. He has been quite ill for several days but is still able to be around. Harry McDowell has been sent to the Hospital sick with the fever; I think he will be around in a few days. My health is quite good for which I have every reason to be thankful.

We had a very excellent prayer-meeting last night and also two evenings ago. The boys are all very prompt in attendance, & I hope are striving earnestly to be Christians.

There has been no news of importance since I last wrote. We hear very little that is reliable, except what we get from the papers, all of which you have before it reaches [us]. Our losses in the series of charges made on last Monday & Tuesday will reach over 2,000.5 We are still slowly but surely gaining ground. I have not heard from Allen Fellows since he left. I recd. a letter from Henry Greenebaum by Jim this morning. Saml. McGooden is well. Mrs. Baird and Mrs. Fitch have been on a visit to Lieut. Smith and have written that he is slowly improving.

I must make the round of the skirmish lines & must close. I recd. the stamps. Give my love to all. May Our Father in Heaven bless and preserve you. Good bye.

Your Affect. Husband
J. F. Culver

  1. The 44th Illinois Infantry was assigned to the IV Corps division commanded by Brig. Gen. John Newton, the unit to which Company M, 1st Illinois Light Artillery, was attached. O.R., Ser. I, Vol. XXXII, pt. III, pp. 551-552.
  2. J.F.C. had been notified that he had been promoted to captain of Company A, 129th Illinois, to rank from Feb. 24, 1864, the date of Captain Hoskins’ promotion to major. Compiled Service Records of Union Soldiers, NA.
  3. The 3d Brigade (Wood’s) on June 29 had relieved the 1st Brigade (Ward’s) in the advance line of rifle pits north of the Powder Springs road. O.R., Ser. I, Vol. XXXVIII, pt. II, p. 440.
  4. General Butterfield on June 29 had received a leave to return to his home in New York and General Ward had assumed command of the Third Division, XX Army Corps. Colonel Harrison as senior colonel had resumed command of the 1st Brigade. Ibid., p. 326.
  5. Union casualties in the June 27 assaults on the Kennesaw Mountain line were 1,999 killed and wounded and 52 missing, while the Confederates lost about 500, of whom 270 were killed or wounded. Long, The Civil War Day by Day, p. 529.