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We have been in very active service in the field, away from our baggage

Joseph Culver Letter, September 25, 1863, Page 1Chatanooga Tenn. 25 Sept. 1863

Dear Brother Frank:

About a week ago I received from you, through J.P. Lathrop and the mail, a bundle of papers, for which I am very thankful. This is the first opportunity I have had of writing you since the receipt of the papers, as we have been in very active service in the field, away from our baggage. Rosecrans has been driven back to this place. Our Brig. participated in the battle of Sunday last. It was severe during the afternoon: we lost 14 men. I am well.

Yours in haste
W J Murphy
Battery “M” 1st Ill. Arty.
2d Brig. 1st Div. R. C.
Army [?]

PS Send me some letters from home. Jack