Data Planet simplifies data analysis by providing an all-in-one resource for social science researchers and students to access statistics relevant to their areas of study. Please send comments to Linda Walton.
Tag Archives: statistics
UN Comtrade database – Trial expired 4 April 2020
The UN Comtrade database is the largest depository of international trade data. It contains well over 3 billion data records since 1962 and is available publicly on the internet. In addition, it offers public and premium data API for easier integration/download. Refer to this link on how to fully use UN Comtrade: Please sendContinue reading “UN Comtrade database – Trial expired 4 April 2020”
China Data Online – Trial ended 17 June 2015
China Data Online includes China Statistical Databases, China Census Databases, and China Spatial Data Service (China Geo-Explorer). It provides easy access to the various statistical yearbooks published by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, comprehensive statistics, and Census data of economy and population at national, provincial, city, county, and even township levels. Please sendContinue reading “China Data Online – Trial ended 17 June 2015”