Libraries purchased. The AFI Catalog, the premier, authoritative resource of American film information for the years 1893-1972, is produced by the American Film Institute (AFI). The film experts at AFI update and add new records twice yearly and are working on completing their coverage of the 1970s. Send comments to
Category Archives: Purchased
Springer EBooks – Trial ended November 16, 2007.
Libraries purchased. The trial includes access to all English/International language content from 2005, 2006, and 2007, as well as book series dating back to 1997. Covers English language books published in 2005 – 2007, including all monographs, reference works and book series (back to 1997). Direct Links: Books | Book Series | Reference WorksContinue reading “Springer EBooks – Trial ended November 16, 2007.”
Social Work Abstracts – Trial ended September 29, 2007.
Libraries purchased. Social Work Abstracts offers extensive coverage of more than 450 social work and human services journals dating back to 1977. Produced by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), the database provides indexing and abstracts dealing with all aspects of the social work field, including theory and practice, areas of service and socialContinue reading “Social Work Abstracts – Trial ended September 29, 2007.”
Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice, 1490-2007 – Trial ended November 13, 2007.
Libraries purchased. This is an essential portal for slavery studies, bringing together documents and collections covering an extensive time period spanning six centuries, from libraries and archives across the Atlantic world. Designed for both teaching and research use, there is extensive coverage of topics such as the African Coast; the Middle Passage; the varieties of slaveContinue reading “Slavery, Abolition and Social Justice, 1490-2007 – Trial ended November 13, 2007.”
SimplyMap – Trial ended September 28, 2007.
Libraries purchased. SimplyMap is a web-based mapping application that lets users quickly create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using powerful demographic, business, and marketing data. SimplyMap turns complex data into valuable information that is easily accessed through an innovative and user-friendly interface. Quick Reference Guide. Send comments to
Natural Standard -Trial ended August 31, 2007.
Libraries purchased. The Natural Standard Research Collaboration is an international, multidisciplinary research group founded by clinicians and researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of California. Natural Standard provides high quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies and includes contributors from more than 100 eminent academic institutions world-wide.
Life and Times of Jorge Luis Borges – Trial ended April 13, 2007.
Libraries purchased. This database allows searches from a variety of queries and provides bibliographic, textual, chronological, and illustrated matter. Subjects covered are all those of interest to Borges: literature, culture, history, politics, philosophy, linguistics, and art.
19th Century British Library Newspapers Digital Archive – Trial ended November 22, 2007.
Libraries purchased. The 19th Century British Library Newspapers collection contains full runs of 48 newspapers specially selected by the British Library to best represent nineteenth century Britain. This new collection includes national and regional newspapers, as well as those from both established country or university towns and the new industrial powerhouses of the manufacturing Midlands,Continue reading “19th Century British Library Newspapers Digital Archive – Trial ended November 22, 2007.”
Religion Databases from Ebsco – Trial ended July 16, 2007.
Libraries purchased. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials combines the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion with ATLA’s online collection of major religion and theology journals. The ATLA Religion Database includes more than 488,000 article citations from more than 1,500 journalsContinue reading “Religion Databases from Ebsco – Trial ended July 16, 2007.”
Oxford Language Dictionaries Online – Trial ended October 14, 2007.
Libraries purchased. Initially offering millions of words, phrases, and translations, in French, German, Spanish and Italian, the site will expand to include many other languages such as Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Polish. Included are usage examples and illustrative phrases, grammar guidance, click-through verb tables and pronunciation charts, explanations of grammatical terms, and help with spellingContinue reading “Oxford Language Dictionaries Online – Trial ended October 14, 2007.”