Black Abolitionist Papers is the first primary source collection to comprehensively detail the extensive work of African Americans to abolish slavery in the United States prior to the Civil War. Covering the period 1830-1865, the collection presents the massive, international impact of African American activism against slavery, in the writings and publications of the activistsContinue reading “Black Abolitionist Papers – Trial ended 22 November 2012”
Category Archives: ProQuest
Early European Books – Trial ended 1 April 2012
Early European Books traces the history of printing in Europe from its origins through to the close of the seventeenth century, offering full-colour, high-resolution facsimile images of rare and hard-to-access printed sources. Please send additional comments to Ed Shreeves.
Safari Tech Books Online – Trial ended 4 May 2012
Safari Books Online‘s on-demand digital library provides potential access to over 18936 technology, creative, and business books from leading publishers. Please send additional comments to Ed Shreeves.
Vogue Archive – Trial ended November 2, 2011
The Vogue Archive is complete searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution color page images. Pleases send additional comments to Tim Shipe.
ProQuest History Vault: Black Freedom 2 – Trial ended October 19, 2011
The Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century: Personal Papers of African Americans and Records of Civil Rights Organizations. Covering 1895 to 1992, the second module in this collection focuses on the experiences of individual African Americans, as told through diaries, personal correspondence and more. In addition, it includes important records from a number ofContinue reading “ProQuest History Vault: Black Freedom 2 – Trial ended October 19, 2011”
ProQuest Statistical Data Sets – Trial ended June 30, 2011
ProQuest Statistical DataSets is a Web-based research solutions tool that provides fast and easy access to more than 14 billion data points from licensed and public domain datasets within an easy-to-use interface. With this dynamic new tool, you can scan the contents of the collection, select subjects and variable of interest, and view your dataContinue reading “ProQuest Statistical Data Sets – Trial ended June 30, 2011”
ProQuest Legislative Insight – Trial ends June 30, 2011
ProQuest Legislative Insight is a Federal legislative history service that makes available thoroughly researched compilations of digital full text publications created by Congress during the process leading up to the enactment of U.S. Public Laws.
ProQuest Sanborn Maps Geo Edition — Trial ended April 23, 2011
ProQuest’s Sanborn Maps Geo Edition (1867-1970) is a geo-referenced version of the Sanborn collection for the US, already purchased and available at The Geo Edition provides digital access to thousands of large-scale maps of American towns and cities, searchable by address and GPS coordinates. These maps can be saved in either JPEG or GeotiffContinue reading “ProQuest Sanborn Maps Geo Edition — Trial ended April 23, 2011”
ProQuest Environmental Science Collection – Trial ended Feb 20, 2011
ProQuest Environmental Science Collection provides unparalleled and comprehensive coverage of the environmental sciences. Abstracts and citations are drawn from over 10,000 serials including scientific journals, conference proceedings, reports, monographs, books and government publications. It includes the subject areas of: Agriculture, Air pollution, Control technologies, Endangered species, Energy, Environmental design, Environmental education, Environmental law and policy,Continue reading “ProQuest Environmental Science Collection – Trial ended Feb 20, 2011”
Times of India historical newspaper archive – Trial ended 9 October 2010
The Times of India was founded in 1838 to serve British residents of West India.Today this historical newspaper serves researchers interested in studying colonialism and post-colonialism, British and world history, class and gender issues, international relations, comparative religion, international economics, terrorism, and more. In its pages, The Times of India illuminates key historical events suchContinue reading “Times of India historical newspaper archive – Trial ended 9 October 2010”