IISS Armed Conflict Database is a frequently updated source of information on armed conflicts worldwide. You can generate reports and download data as well as browse through the yearly analyses and fact sheets online.
Author Archives: Lisa Martincik
ArchiveGrid – Trial ended April 30, 2007.
ArchiveGrid provides online access to nearly a million descriptions of archival collections held by thousands of libraries, museums, historical societies and archives worldwide.
American Mosaic – The Latino American Experience – Trial ended November 2, 2007.
Latino American Experience (LAE) is the first-ever full-text database focusing on the history and culture of Latinos living in the United States. LAE’s content spans from the pre-Columbian Indigenous civilizations of the Americas, through the Spanish and Mexican settlement of much of what is now the United States, to the triumphs and challenges facing present-dayContinue reading “American Mosaic – The Latino American Experience – Trial ended November 2, 2007.”
American Accounting Association (AAA) Electronic Journals Package – Trial ended 1/30/07.
Libraries purchased.
Aluka – Trial ended June 30, 2007.
“Aluka is a not-for-profit international collaboration of educational and cultural institutions. Our mission is to build a high-quality scholarly resource of materials from and about Africa. We seek to attract contributed collections about Africa from institutions and individuals around the world.”
AccessUNDP (NewsBank) – Trial ended.
Libraries purchased. The foremost index to a finite collection of United Nations Development Programme Project Reports issued and held by UN headquarters between the years 1972-1998. The index provides access to evaluative, technical and terminal reports (available in full-text on microfiche from NewsBank/Readex) submitted to the UN by numerous participating and executing agencies.
AccessSurgery – Trial ended May 27, 2007.
Libraries purchased. McGraw-Hill’s AccessSurgery.com is an integrated online resource that provides medical students, surgical residents, and practicing surgeons with quick answers to surgical inquiries from trusted sources. Organized around the ACGME’s (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) mandate for a Core Curriculum, AccessSurgery delivers content in context.
Theatre in Video – Active through December 31, 2006.
Libraries purchased. Theatre in Video contains more than 250 of the world’s most important plays, together with more than 100 video documentaries, online in streaming video-more than 500 hours in all. These definitive performances, by leading actors and directors, have been painstakingly licensed from a wide range of copyright holders. They are now delivered toContinue reading “Theatre in Video – Active through December 31, 2006.”
Risk Management Reference Center (RMRC) (EBSCOhost) – Active through December 31, 2006.
LexisNexis Congressional Research Digital Collection Prospective Subscription – Trial ended December 31, 2006.
Libraries purchased.