World Market Intelligence is a live business information platform exclusively designed to support and enhance research projects conducted by the academia. Coverage spans various industries including pharmaceuticals and medical devices, financial services, construction, IT, etc., sourced from some of the world’s most respected business information and media brands: Timetric, Canadean, Kable, Strategic Defence Intelligence andContinue reading “World Market Intelligence – Trial ended 29 September 2014”
Author Archives: Lisa Martincik
Cambridge Archive Editions Online – Trial ended 15 October 2014
Cambridge Archive Editions Online presents a wealth of historical reference materials which otherwise would remain unknown, difficult to access, or fragmentary. Considered collectively, this body of documents represents many thousands of original documents of the National Archives (UK) represented in facsimile, including numerous maps, on the national heritage and political development of many countries. PleaseContinue reading “Cambridge Archive Editions Online – Trial ended 15 October 2014”
Loeb Classical Library – Trial ended 15 December 2014
Loeb Classical Library is an interconnected, fully searchable, perpetually growing, virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin literature. Please send additional comments to Chris Africa.
Kanopy collections, various – Trial ended 3 October 2014
ArtMattan African Diaspora Film Collection ArtMattan Films distribute films that focus on the human experience of black people in Africa, the Caribbean, North and South America and Europe. California Newsreel Collection California Newsreel produces cutting edge, social justice films that inspire, educate and engage audiences. Founded in 1968, Newsreel is the oldest non-profit, social issue documentaryContinue reading “Kanopy collections, various – Trial ended 3 October 2014”
Sovetskaia Kul’tura Digital Archive – Trial ended 6 September 2014
Kul’tura, as it is known today, is the most important Soviet and Russian publication on culture from 1929 to the present, with reviews of major events in literature, theater, cinematography, and arts. For over 80 years Kul’tura has provided a unique perspective on ever-changing attitudes toward arts and culture in Soviet and Russian societies. PleaseContinue reading “Sovetskaia Kul’tura Digital Archive – Trial ended 6 September 2014”
IMF eLibrary – Trial ended 13 August 2014
The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools. You will find information and perspective on macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction, and so much more. IMF eLibrary dataContinue reading “IMF eLibrary – Trial ended 13 August 2014”
PsycBOOKS – Trial ended 31 August 2014
PsycBOOKS® is a full-text database that provides electronic access to thousands of scholarly and professional titles published by APA, including recent titles in psychological and behavioral science, plus a substantial backfile of classic and historic works. Please send additional comments to Dottie Persson.
The Cecil Papers – Trial ended 13 June 2014
The Cecil Papers are a privately held archive, consisting principally of the correspondence of William Cecil, Lord Burghley (1520-1598) and his son, Robert, the 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563-1612). The database offers full-colour images digitised directly from the original Cecil Papers manuscripts at Hatfield House Archives. Please send additional comments to Stephen Sturgeon.
U.S. Intelligence on the Middle East, 1945-2009 – Trial ended 5 June 2014
U.S. Intelligence on the Middle East, 1945-2009 sheds light on the U.S. intelligence community’s spying and analytic efforts in the Arab world, including the Middle East, the Near East, and North Africa. It covers the time period from the end of World War II to the present day, up until the 2002-2003 Iraqi Weapons of MassContinue reading “U.S. Intelligence on the Middle East, 1945-2009 – Trial ended 5 June 2014”
Der literarische Expressionismus Online – Trial ended 30 May 2014
Der literarische Expressionismus Online is a full-text database of 151 German expressionist periodicals and anthologies. Please send additional comments to Tim Shipe.