Please note: When first logging in to these databases you must use the trial username/password and create a personal username/password.
Trial Registration Username: Iowa Register
Trial Registration Password: Register
Amadeus** contains comprehensive information on over 14 million companies across Europe. You can use it to research individual companies, or search for companies matching a specific profiles. The database contains detailed company overviews, financial reports, corporate ownership structures, global M&A information, as well as a variety of business intelligence on companies.
**Also available for trial via WRDS
Oriana contains comprehensive information on companies across the Asia-Pacific region. You can use it to research individual companies, or search for companies matching a specific profiles. The database contains detailed company overviews, financial reports, corporate ownership structures, global M&A information, as well as a variety of business intelligence on companies.
Osiris has information on listed, and major unlisted/delisted companies from around the world. The database contains detailed company overviews, financial reports, corporate ownership structures, global M&A information, as well as a variety of business intelligence on companies. Different templates are used to show accounts in the correct formats for their company type and location.
Bankscope contains comprehensive information on more than 30,000 banks from around the world. Banksope can be used to research individual banks, as well as to search for banks with specific profiles by using hundreds of different search criteia. Bankscope has up to 16 years of detailed financials or each bank, as well as bank and country ratings, bank ownership structures, global M&A activity and news.
ISIS contains comprehensive information on insurance companies from around the world. ISIS includes financial statements, ratings and intelligence on more than 9,000 insurance companies – nearly 7,000 non-life companies, 3,500 life, 800 composite and 357 Lloyd’s Syndicates.
Please send additional comments to Dave Martin.