Communication Abstracts, formerly produced by Sage Publications, is a comprehensive source of information about communication-related publications on a world-wide scale. Containing over 235,000 records, Communication Abstracts covers major journals in communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study to create a research and reference resource that encompasses the breadth of the communication discipline. Coverage includes recent literature in the areas of communication processes; interpersonal communication and relations; economics and communication; communication, culture, and society; education and communication; health communication; political communication; communication, regulation, and the law; organizational communication; public relations; advertising, marketing, and consumer behavior; mass media; journalism and news media; popular culture and the media; communication and information technology; telecommunications; and communication theory and research. Over 250 titles are now presented with cover-to-cover coverage. Other new features include searchable references for over 180 titles, and a Publications Authority of key titles.
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