UpToDate is one of the leading evidence-based clinical practice tools available, and has long been provided for University of Iowa students, faculty, and clinicians. Written by a recognized faculty of experts who each address a specific clinical issue, the contents synthesize the latest evidence and best practices. Now, access to this resource has become evenContinue reading “UpToDate Mobile App now available!”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Searching for Food, Diet & Nutrition in PubMed
This article has been superseded by the following: Diet, Food, and Nutrition – How To Search in PubMed ********************** By Eric Rumsey and Janna Lawrence Much of the power of PubMed searching is due to the elegant Medical Subject Heading [MeSH] system used to index articles. When you type words into the PubMed search box, itContinue reading “Searching for Food, Diet & Nutrition in PubMed”
DSM-5 Now Available Online
The DSM-5 is now available online through the American Psychiatry Association’s Psychiatry Online platform. It is available at http://purl.lib.uiowa.edu/dsm. The link can also be found by searching DSM-5 in Smart Search or InfoHawk.
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have long been considered one of the highest levels of evidence, and lately, publication frequency in health science journals is on the rise. However, there are still a lot of people who are unaware of what goes into writing a systematic review or a meta-analysis. This post will discuss what aContinue reading “Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses”
Scopus mobile app: Scopus Alert for iPhone
The Scopus Alert for iPhone app allows you to 1) do keyword search, 2) email, bookmark, and tweet an article, and 3) receive email alerts when articles get cited. Keep in mind that you can only view abstracts, and full-text links are NOT available. A workaround is to email an article to oneself and access the fulltextContinue reading “Scopus mobile app: Scopus Alert for iPhone”
New Compounding Resources from USP
U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) recently added a new page on its website dedicated to compounding information including USP standards. USP General Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding – Sterile Preparations can be downloaded free of charge, at least for now. Contact us if you have questions. Don’t forget Hardin Library’s subject guide on Clinical Pharmacy Resources alsoContinue reading “New Compounding Resources from USP”
New Google search feature: drug information directly shown on results page
If you have not noticed it yet, type a drug name into Google search box and you will see a quick information box on the right side of your results page. Google announced this new feature on Dec 11, 2001 on Google +. At the bottom of the box, sources are acknowledged and a link forContinue reading “New Google search feature: drug information directly shown on results page”
What is Metadata?
Research has become increasingly data-intensive. Many funding agencies, such as National Institute of Health (NIH) and National Science Foundation (NSF) have started to implement policies and guidelines regarding data management and sharing. In such context, metadata is a term that is often used but not always explained or defined. A recent blog post by BonnieContinue reading “What is Metadata?”
January 1, 2013 changes to NCBI Web Pages Browser Support
The National Institute of Biotechnology Information (NCBI) will no longer support Internet Explorer version 7 and Firebox version 3 browsers as of January 1, 2013. NCBI will also no longer be able to guarantee the browser’s functionality, as they are no longer going to do any further testing of the web applications. This means thatContinue reading “January 1, 2013 changes to NCBI Web Pages Browser Support”
PubMed Limits Are Now Filters
As you may have noticed, PubMed changed the way users limit search results. The link for “limits” has been replaced by a “filters” sidebar. This sidebar will function similarly to the way the limits page worked. For example, once filters/limits have been set, they will remain in place for all subsequent searches unless the userContinue reading “PubMed Limits Are Now Filters”