Hardin Library provides a variety of services to help you succeed!
Your department has a specialist librarian
Every department is assigned a liaison librarian, who can help you with all of your questions about the library and its resources.
Evidence-based medicine resources
Hardin subscribes to DynaMed, the Cochrane Library, JAMAevidence, BMJ Best Practice, and more.
Board review materials
Board Vitals provides question banks, with feedback, for most specialty boards.
Assistance with literature searches and systematic reviews
The UI Libraries subscribe to hundreds of online databases, focused on a variety of disciplines and implementations, from point-of-care to basic science research. Your liaison can help you choose the right databases, the right headings, and the right strategy.
Health Sciences databases
All databases
Easy access to electronic journals and an app to help you read them on mobile devices
A-Z list of electronic journals – we may have other issues in print as well!
Browzine app for iOS, Android and Kindle lets you make a customized newsstand of journals to browse, read, and monitor.
Help with your systematic review or meta-analysis
The Institute of Medicine recommends working with a librarian or other information specialist to plan out your search strategy and to peer-review the final strategy used.
Work off-campus
All of our library resources are available off-campus but require authentication with your Iowa HawkID and password. Start at Hardin’s website.
Specialized guides to resources
Find quick help for your specialty, department, with publishing or other topics.
Free interlibrary loan and document delivery
If you need an article or book that the UI Libraries doesn’t have, we can get it for you, for free. And if you need an article that we only have in print, we will scan it for you. No limits on the number of requests!
EndNote Desktop and other citation management software
EndNote is freely available for residents, and your liaison can work with you to tame your references.
Mobile resources
Hardin subscriptions provide access to many mobile apps at no charge to you including UpToDate, DynaMed Plus, ClinicalKey, BMJ Best Practice and more.
Hardin Open Workshops
Hardin librarians offer monthly workshops on topics like PubMed, EndNote, and avoiding predatory publishers. We can also bring any of our sessions to you individually or to your group.
Quick help when you need it
Whenever the library is open, we have trained reference staff available to answer questions by phone 319-335-9151, email lib-hardin@uiowa.edu or chat.
138 Health Science databases
Web of Science, Micromedex, and more!
Individual and group study/work space
Hardin has individual and small group studies, as well as study carrels and tables. The 24-hour study is available to any UI-affiliated user who registers to use it.
Books and DVDs for entertainment or families
As the 23th largest research library in the US/Canada, the UI Libraries system has 40,000+ DVDs and millions of books in many languages including Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Arabic as well as a large collection of children’s books. Search the catalog to find them. Materials can be sent to Hardin Library for pickup.