Because of Hardin Library’s subscription to MDConsult, University of Iowa affiliates may now also access First CONSULT for iPhone/iTouch/iPad at no charge. First CONSULT does not require a data or wireless connection to use this after the initial install. To get started: 1. Access Hardin’s subscription to MDConsult ( 2. Create an account. 3. GoContinue reading “FirstConsult (from MDConsult) available for iPhone, iPad at no charge !”
Category Archives: New Resources
MKSAP 15 is now available @Hardin
MKSAP 15 (medical knowledge self-assessment program) is available on CD-ROM for checkout from the Hardin Library Information Commons East/Simulation Center. Ask for it at the service desk. MKSAP 15 is intended for physicians who provide personal, nonsurgical care to adults and residents preparing for the certification exam in internal medicine.
Want to try Windows 7? We’ve got it!
The Hardin Library for the Health Sciences has three Windows 7 beta test machines available on the 3rd floor. Try them out and report your problems to Information Technology Services.
Get your journal alerts as Tweets!
Do you like Twitter? Now you can get journal alerts for titles like NEJM and Lancet. See spreadsheet.
More dissertations available online
The Libraries now subscribe to Proquest Digital Dissertations, which includes 2.4 million dissertation and theses citations from 1861 to the present day together with 1 million full-text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format. Most U.S. and Canadian dissertations from 1997-present are available as downloadable pdfs. For more information, see the library guide toContinue reading “More dissertations available online”
Alltop – get health headlines
Alltop is a website which is described as an “online magazine rack” of popular topics. Hardin Library has created a list of medical journals and magazines to assist in finding exactly what you need. You can find the link to Hardin Library’s list right here .
NCBI BioSystems Database now available
The NCBI BioSystem, a new pathways database ( is now public. The database can be searched directly or accessed via links from databases such as Entrez Gene, Protein, PubChem Compound, and more. This free resource may be a good solution for researchers who can’t afford Ingenuity Pathways or similar products. Ready to get started? AContinue reading “NCBI BioSystems Database now available”
New collaborative online medical resource available: Medpedia
A new collaborative online medical resource is now available, Medpedia. Medpedia is an up-and-coming website seeking to bring together those in the medical fields and their respective research. It currently is looking for members to contribute to its growing repository, and at its young age, is already a useful resource tool. It can be foundContinue reading “New collaborative online medical resource available: Medpedia”
Need to Record Something? Hardin Has You Covered!
If you ever need to record anything and upload it to a computer, you now need to look no further than the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. Recently, a stereo digital audio recorder was purchased for the library. It is kept in the Info Commons East and can be rented out for a maximumContinue reading “Need to Record Something? Hardin Has You Covered!”
60 Second Tutorials Available Online
The University of Iowa Libraries now has 60 Second Tutorials available online. From the tutorials, you can learn how to use InfoLink, request article delivery, request books from other libraries, and much more. The condensed tutorials include audio and graphics that are easy to use and follow. The 60 Second Tutorials can be viewed at:Continue reading “60 Second Tutorials Available Online”