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National Medical Librarian’s Month Fact #3

Looking for somewhere to study?  Hardin library has over 640 available locations!  We have a variety of study carrels, a mix of tables and chair, computer stations and even some comfortable seating.  If you are looking for a really quiet place to study we recommend the fourth floor or the West Commons on the secondContinue reading “National Medical Librarian’s Month Fact #3”

National Medical Librarian’s Month Fact #2

Since July 1, 2010, Hardin librarians and staff have taught over 80 sessions on library resources.  We have done orientation sessions for students, faculty and residents.  We go into the classrooms and teach library resources to students at the Colleges of Public Health, Pharmacy, Nursing, Dentistry and the Carver College of Medicine.  And of course we teachContinue reading “National Medical Librarian’s Month Fact #2”

Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room

  Nicholas Culpeper (1616–1654) was an English botanist, herbalist, physician, and astrologer. His published books, The English Physician (1652) and the Complete Herbal (1653), contain a rich store of pharmaceutical and herbal knowledge. Culpeper spent the greater part of his life in the English outdoors cataloging hundreds of medicinal herbs. He criticized what he consideredContinue reading “Notes from the John Martin Rare Book Room”

Help us Celebrate!

  Help us celebrate! October is National Medical Librarian’s Month. Watch our blog every Friday this month for interesting facts about Hardin, our services and our people. Stop in on October 29th to conclude National Medical Librarian’s Month with a sweet treat from us. Hardin Library was built in the early 1970’s and designed byContinue reading “Help us Celebrate!”

Micromedex drug information database now available

All faculty, staff, and students now have access to the Micromedex drug information database (  Micromedex includes drug monographs, drug interaction checker, international drug names, information on drug overdose and poisoning, drug images, and patient drug information. Our subscription includes access to the mobile interface (click on “Mobile” at the top of Micromedex for moreContinue reading “Micromedex drug information database now available”

Exhibit : Banned Books Week September 25-October 2

View a small exhibit of banned books at the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences this week. American Library Association’s list of most frequently banned books for 2009: 1. ttyl, ttfn, l8r, g8r (series), by Lauren Myracle Reasons: Nudity, Sexually Explicit, Offensive Language, Unsuited to Age Group, Drugs 2. “And Tango Makes Three” by PeterContinue reading “Exhibit : Banned Books Week September 25-October 2”