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Hardin Library 30th Anniversary Open House

On Wednesday, October 6, the Hardin Library will celebrate its 30th anniversary with an open house from 1:30 to 4:00. The festivities will include remarks by President David Skorton, tours of the library, exhibits, demonstrations, refreshments, and music. Those in attendance will also have an opportunity to view the recently remodeled public service area on the main floor.
Today’s users of the Hardin Library take for granted the well-maintained and service-oriented facility that serves their information needs. Earlier users were not as fortunate as they were forced to navigate the crowded, narrow stacks, low ceilings, and limited study space that characterized the earlier homes of the collection. The completion of the Health Sciences Library in 1974 (its name was changed to the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences in 1988) marked the first time that all University health sciences information resources were located in a single building—a structure whose unique architecture continues to stimulate controversy.

Since its completion, in 1974 Hardin Library staff members have played a leading role in the health science information revolution as they sought to take advantage of the burgeoning technology that has characterized the last three decades. The Library is recognized as one of the most innovative in the country and has established a sterling reputation for service excellence through its close partnership with health science staff and faculty. The Hardin Library staff is justly proud of its history and its accomplishments. We hope you will help us celebrate by attending this special event.

View Photos from the event: Album 1 – Album 2
Update (October 7, 2004): Anniversary Video Now Online!